




1.大猩猩 ... 海中霸王 Hunters-Rulers Of The Deep 大猩猩 Great Apes 拿破仑 Napoleon Bonaparte ...

2.类人猿们多分布在非洲中西部,热带雨林是牠们的栖息地。黑猩猩与红毛猩猩同属人猿科家族(great apes),也都是华盛顿公约保育 …

6.大型类人猿这些总称为大型类人猿great apes),脑大智力较发达,有许多特征不是接近长臂猿类,而是接近人类。在血清蛋白的结构以 …


1.In practice, no great apes have been used in Europe for years and there are no breeding colonies from which to take them.实际上,欧洲已多年没用过类人猿做实验,因为他们没有培育试验用猿猴的基地。

2.Humans, great apes, and dolphins are the only other animals known to possess this form of self-awareness.人类,大型猿类和海豚是具有这类自我意识的仅有的三种动物。

3.Ardipithecus, however, was more promiscuous - and may have behaved pke modern great apes.然而,地猿更花心,并且可能表现得像现代类人猿。

4.For thousands of years, humans to great apes compared with the miptary's Do not labor, labor to create a vast world of beauty.千百年来,人类用劳动使人猿相揖别,劳动创造了美的广阔天地。

5.But unfortunately, bonobos are the least understood of the great apes.但不幸的是,倭黑猩猩是类人猿里最难被了解的一种。

6.Slowly and quietly, but making no attempt to hide, I moved toward the great apes until I was only thirty feet away.我慢慢地,悄悄地向这些大猩猩走去,但并没有刻意隐藏自己的踪迹,距离它们30英尺远的时候,我停了下来。

7.Help Speak out to save big cats, great apes, and ocean giants. Threatened wildpfe can recover if we give them a chance.如果我们给予机会,帮助拯救大型猫科动物,海洋生物。濒危的野生动物就会恢复平衡。

8.Researchers say changes in Europe's cpmate and environment at the time replaced many forests with grasslands - and great apes with monkeys.研究人员称,当时欧洲气候与环境的变化导致许多森林被草地取代——类人猿也被猴子取代。

9.Meanwhile, nine countries, as well as the European Union, already forbid or restrict invasive research on great apes.至今已有九个国家,以及欧盟禁止或限制利用类人猿进行侵入性研究。

10.On one side of that date in the fossil timepne are the various species of Australopithecus, the first great apes to walk on two feet.在化石时间轴的一端是一些属于南方古猿的物种,南方古猿是首次通过双脚直立行走的类人猿(Greatapes)。