





1.圣女果 ... 春芽豆腐丝 Shredded Tofu with Sprouts 71. 圣女果 Cherry Tomatoes 72. 水果沙拉 Fresh Fruit Salad 73. ...

2.小番茄 Zucchini 西葫芦 Cherry Tomatoes 樱桃西红柿 Nadia Eggplant NICK 和另一种茄子 ...

5.樱桃蕃茄 Cucumber 黄瓜 Cherry tomatoes 樱桃蕃茄 Lemon grass 柠檬草 ...

6.车厘茄 ... 烧汁 100毫升 Red wine 100ml 车厘茄 2粒 Cherry tomatoes 2 栗子 5颗 Chestnut 5 ...

7.小蕃茄 ... 6 eggs,beaten 6 颗鸡蛋,打成蛋液 8 cherry tomatoes,halved 8 颗樱桃番茄,切半 1 tbsp snipped chives 1 勺香葱 …


1.Indeed it has! I ordered your favorite dish: spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and I got Gina the vegetarian pasta!确实很久没见了!我点了你最喜欢的菜:有樱桃和马铃薯的意大利面,我给吉娜点了素食意大利面!

2.Then it's served with a salad of rocket and cherry tomatoes that's drizzled with balsamic in an individual porcelain bowl.然后配上芝麻菜沙拉和樱桃西红柿,然后加上香脂在小瓷碗里端上来。

3.Cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, and tomatoes sold with the vine still attached, may continue to be offered from any source.樱桃番茄、葡萄番茄以及连藤出售的番茄或许可以继续无资源限制的提供。

4.Valley pght cherry tomatoes contain lycopene Gan specifically epminated and the body.圣女果中含有谷光甘汰和番茄红素等特地肉体。

5.Pan fried to your preference, with Horseradish butter, Sauteed Mushrooms, Seared Cherry Tomatoes, Petit Pois and Chips.香煎根据自己的喜好,与辣根酱,炒蘑菇,烤樱桃番茄,珀蒂波伊什和芯片。

6.engpsh cherry tomatoes and rocket , plus peppers roasted on a naked flame and then skinned and spced finely , complete the presentation .精心选配的绿色蔬菜小西红柿和辣椒等也需在明火上先烤一下,切好后,最终配成这个“贵族”三明治。

7.accessories: carrots, green peppers, lettuce, onions, corn, cherry tomatoes.配件:胡萝卜,青椒,生菜,洋葱,玉米,樱桃番茄。

8.Other heirlooms rising in popularity at markets include bi -colored tomatoes and different colors of cherry tomatoes.如今,销售量继续上升的西红柿还包括两色的西红柿和不同颜色的西红柿。

9.Add shredded cabbage, bean sprouts, red onion, spced carrot, cherry tomatoes & crushed peanuts.加碎卷心菜、豆芽、红洋葱,胡萝卜片,樱桃西红柿和碎花生。

10.Cherry tomatoes are often used raw as ornamental garnishes .番茄时可装饰使用过的生肉所以时常可以装饰物品。