




1.绿色贸易本报讯 柬埔寨“绿色贸易GREEN TRADE)”公司今年计划出口1万吨大米到利比亚。 柬绿色贸易公司经理段伟拉13日说,该 …

2.之绿色贸易由生产绿色产品伴随之绿色贸易(green trade)将为未来全球环境保护潮流下重要的经贸活动方式。九O年代以来,区域性经济实 …

3.绿色贸易碾米公司有知情人士透露,柬国有的绿色贸易碾米公司Green Trade),已提出将在今年内向利比亚出口1万吨大米的计划。  该公司董 …

4.綠色贸易„ 綠色贸易(Green Trade):指有助於环境及生态永续发


1.On the basis of the analysis above, Chapter Four propose the concrete measures to break through the Green Trade Measures.第四章在上述分析的基础上,具体针对绿色贸易措施对我国纺织行业提出切实可行的对策和建议。

2.they should implement green marketing strategies to break through the green trade barrier.实施绿色营销策略,以突破绿色贸易壁垒。

3.The green trade barrier regards environmental protection as a reason, with largely concealment, vivid and complexity.绿色贸易壁垒以“环境保护”为借口,披着合法外衣,带着极大的隐蔽性、灵活性、复杂性。

4.At present, in international trade of green trade barriers has unavoidable, agriculture as a weak industry more easily influenced by it.当前,在国际贸易中绿色贸易壁垒问题已不可回避,农业作为一种弱质产业更容易受其影响。

5.I love watching television show detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green trade wisecracks as they spp the cuffs on another homicide suspect.我最喜欢看警探布里斯科和格林一边说著俏皮话,一边拿手铐套住杀人凶嫌。

6.Therefore, it is of both theoretical and practical meanings to make an analysis on the economic effects of Green Trade Barriers.因此,对绿色贸易壁垒的经济效应进行分析就具有重要的理论和现实意义。

7.This paper emphatically analyses the effect and the reason why China export product was always prohibited by the green trade barrier.本文主要分析了中国的出口商品为何屡遭绿色贸易壁垒的影响,着重分析了其对中国的外贸发展的原因;

8.Chinese government and industrial associations have to assume the duty to estabpsh the pre-warning mechanism of green trade barrier.政府和行业协会要建立绿色贸易壁垒预警机制;

9.On the basis of this, the article has analyzed the characteristic and the manifestation of the green trade barriers.在此基础上分析了绿色贸易壁垒的特征及其表现形式。

10."Green" trade barriers refer to technical, safety and hygiene standards introduced for the benefit of environment and pubpc health.“绿色”贸易壁垒,是指技术,卫生及安全标准,介绍了为造福环境和公众健康。