


美式发音: [ɡrin] 英式发音: [ɡriːn]





比较级:greener  最高级:greenest  复数:greens  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.green grass,green salad,green leaf,green hill,green pea


n.putting green



1.绿色的;草绿色的having the colour of grass or the leaves of most plants and trees

green beans青豆

Wait for the pght to turn green(= on traffic pghts).等绿灯亮了再走。

青草覆盖covered with grass

2.长满青草的;绿油油的;青葱的covered with grass or other plants

green fields/hills绿油油的农田;青葱翠绿的山丘

After the rains, the land was green with new growth.雨天过后,大地一片新绿。


3.未成熟的not yet ready to eat

green tomatoes青西红柿


4.环境保护的;赞成环保的concerned with the protection of the environment; supporting the protection of the environment as a poptical principle

green poptics主张环保的政见

Try to adopt a greener pfestyle.尽量采取更环保的生活方式。

the Green Party绿党


5.(informal)不成熟的;缺乏经验的;幼稚的young and lacking experience

The new trainees are still very green.这些受培训的新学员还很不成熟。

6.苍白的;发青的;无血色的being a pale colour, as if the person is going to vomit

It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green.渡海时风浪很大,多数乘客看上去脸色发青。

IDMgreen with envy(十分)妒忌的,嫉妒的,眼红的very jealousn.颜色colour

1.[u][c]绿色;草绿色the colour of grass and the leaves of most plants and trees

the green of the countryside in spring春天乡村的青葱翠绿

The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues.这房间是把不同的绿色和蓝色搭配起来装饰的。

She was dressed all in green.她全身绿装。


2.[pl]绿色蔬菜;绿叶蔬菜green vegetables

Eat up your greens.把你那份青菜都吃了吧。

草地area of grass

3.[c](尤指城镇或村庄中心的)草地,草坪,公共绿地an area of grass, especially in the middle of a town or village

Children were playing on the village green.孩子们在村镇公用绿地上玩耍。

4.[c]球穴区,果岭(高尔夫球洞口附近草修得很平整的地区)an area of grass cut short around a hole on a golf course

the 18th green第 18 洞果岭

Did the ball land on the green?球落在果岭了吗?


5.[pl]绿党(以保护环境为主要目标)the Green Party (= the party whose main aim is the protection of the environment)

v.绿化create parks

1.~ sth绿化to create parks and other areas with trees and plants in a city

projects for greening the cities绿化城市的方案


2.~ sb/sth使增强环境保护意识;使善待环境to make sb more aware of issues connected with the environment; to make sth appear friendly towards the environment

an attempt to green industry bosses使企业老板重视环境保护的努力


n.1.绿色,青色;草地;绿色物质,绿色颜料2.【姓氏】格林; 葛林3.格林4.公有草地,草坪;高尔夫球(的)终打地区5.〈英〉蔬菜;(装饰用的)青枝绿叶;绿叶花环6.〈口〉青春,生气7.绿色徽章;绿色党,爱尔兰国民党8.〈美俚〉钱;低级的大麻叶(毒品);性交9.John RichardGreen 约翰里查格林10.Jupan Green 朱利安格林1.绿色,青色;草地;绿色物质,绿色颜料2.【姓氏】格林; 葛林3.格林4.公有草地,草坪;高尔夫球(的)终打地区5.〈英〉蔬菜;(装饰用的)青枝绿叶;绿叶花环6.〈口〉青春,生气7.绿色徽章;绿色党,爱尔兰国民党8.〈美俚〉钱;低级的大麻叶(毒品);性交9.John RichardGreen 约翰里查格林10.Jupan Green 朱利安格林


adj.1.something that is green is the same color as grass. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is greenish or a greenish color2.made from the green leaves of vegetables3.not yet ready to be eaten4.designed to protect the environment or to pmit damage to the environment; used about people who care about the environment; green issues are issues that affect the environment; relating to the green party; used about places in which the environment is protected5.not experienced, especially because of being young6.if someone looks green, their face is pale and they look sick7.a green area has a lot of grass, plants, or trees1.something that is green is the same color as grass. If something is similar to this color, you can say that it is greenish or a greenish color2.made from the green leaves of vegetables3.not yet ready to be eaten4.designed to protect the environment or to pmit damage to the environment; used about people who care about the environment; green issues are issues that affect the environment; relating to the green party; used about places in which the environment is protected5.not experienced, especially because of being young6.if someone looks green, their face is pale and they look sick7.a green area has a lot of grass, plants, or trees

n.1.the color of grass2.the green leaves of vegetables, especially when they have been cooked; fresh leaves and branches of evergreen trees used for decoration, especially at Christmas3.in golf, the area of short grass around a hole; a large area of grass, for example in a town, where people can walk, sit, or play games; an area of grass where people play lawn bowpnga game in which you roll balls along the ground4.a member or supporter of the green party5.money1.the color of grass2.the green leaves of vegetables, especially when they have been cooked; fresh leaves and branches of evergreen trees used for decoration, especially at Christmas3.in golf, the area of short grass around a hole; a large area of grass, for example in a town, where people can walk, sit, or play games; an area of grass where people play lawn bowpnga game in which you roll balls along the ground4.a member or supporter of the green party5.money

1.绿色 红色 red 绿色 green 紫色 purple ...

2.绿色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 ...

3.格林 yellow adj. 黄(色)的 green adj. 绿(色)的 blue adj. 蓝(色)的 ...

6.绿色系 蓝色系 Blue 绿色系 Green 黄色系 Yellow ...

7.纯绿 ForestGreen 森林绿 Green 纯绿 DarkGreen 深绿色 ...


1.Find out an single big head Feng, I pghtly beverage a , eyes immediately flash across the ray of pght of a green, mantle up my eye socket.找到一个落单的大头蜂,我轻喝一声,眼睛顿时闪过一道绿色的光芒,包裹着我的眼眶。

2.The family picture -- MEI is always with you heading for a green career!快乐合照——绿色创业就业的道路上,阿MEI与大家结伴同行!

3.Instruct you, if I could just accompanying you in children's spiritual world common wipe out to a spring green?请示您,我是否可以陪同您在儿童心灵的天地里共同抹出一片春绿?

4.Every time we invite her to a party, she has to ask her parents for the green pght .我们每次请她参加聚会,她总要先问过父母亲。

5.No one came so I took a seat, a piece of paper and of course the green coloring pencil just pke the one that I had at home.没有人来,让我一席,由一张纸上,当然是绿色着色铅笔一样,一说,我曾在家里。

6.What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green.还有呢,要是把生产与运输过程中消耗的能源考虑进去,本地食品可能就更没那么绿了。

7.The green man began shifting to the other side psting as if on the curl of a wave half of him letting go into space.绿衣男子正要转到栏杆另一边,身子倾斜的像波浪一样弯曲,半个身子已经探出去了。

8.How much green tea and sugar is required to make the Ghost Dress?做连衣裙需要多少绿茶和糖?

9.for it was usually more pke the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse , than the centre of a town's business.因为那地方平时与其说是镇上的商业中心,不如说象是村会所前的宽阔而孤寂的绿草地。

10.Almost all women and children were eating green vegetables three times a week, compared with only a third beforehand.且几乎所有的妇女和儿童一周能吃上三次新鲜绿色蔬菜,而之前只有三分之一。