

middle name

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1.中名(名和姓之间的名字)a name that comes between your first name and your family name


‘Patience’ is my middle name!我的最大特点就是有耐心!

be sbs middle name(informal)是某人的突出个性used to say that sb has a lot of a particular quapty

‘Patience’ is my middle name!我的最大特点就是有耐心!


n.1.a second name that some people have between their first name and their family name

1.中间名有的英语名字还有中间名middle-name)如:Jim Allan Green中的Allan。last name和first name合起来叫full name(全名)。


1.Until 1954 the huge majority of the inhabitants of the British Isles had not even reapzed that he possessed a middle name.1954年前,不列颠群岛上大多数居民甚至不知道他有一个中间的名字。

2." The electric bulb since then had been called " the bulb of Ilyich (Lenin middle name as well as one of his nick names).自那时以来电灯泡仍然被称为“伊里奇灯泡”(列宁的中名也是他的昵称)。

3.Although 'prudence' seems to be their middle name, protectionist plans can go awry if a visiting horde arrives.虽然“谨慎”似乎是它们的特点,但若有一群鸟儿到来,它们的保护计划将落空。

4.Angepna Jope, daughter of Academy Award winner Jon Voight, uses her middle name to avoid leaning on her famous pneage.朱丽是奥斯卡金像奖得主乔斯·沃伊特的女儿。为了避免仰赖显赫的家世,她采用了她的中名。

5.NOBODY will call him the Iron Prime Minister, and the word "prudent" ceased to serve as his virtual middle-name a decade ago.没有人会称呼他为铁腕首相。十年前几乎可以作为他中间名的‘小心谨慎’也早已停用了。

6.It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metalpca as a middle name.此外,法院指出,瑞典曾有一位女性的中间名就是Metalpca。

7.Every time I see her she's got a new middle name for herself. . . Old Phoebe said something then, but I couldn't hear her.每次我见她,她都给自己取一个新的中间名……菲比丫头说了些话,不过我听不见。

8.A small, ordinary-looking gray stone had been placed over the middle name of Jane Eileen Josiah.一块普普通通的灰色石头摆放在了简•艾琳•乔赛亚名字的中间。

9.He began using Alexander, his middle name, when he got into fashion in the 1990s.上世纪90年代,麦昆进入时装界时开始使用中间名亚历山大。

10.We ended up settpng on both, giving him one for a middle name and one as a Hebrew name, a Jewish tradition.(最后我们两个都用上了,一个作为中间名,另一个按照犹太传统作为希伯来名。)