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1.Taiwan's president in return handed Beijing's envoy a ceramic vase depicting orchids before both sat down together for a group photo.马英九回赠北京特使一个上面绘有兰花的陶瓷瓶。然后,双方坐在一起拍了一张合照。

2.Everything seems to be in order: don't you just hate it when a group photo is gatecrashed by a giant green dinosaur?一切皆有秩序:当一组照片由一个巨大的绿色恐龙挡住你的快门时,你难道不感愤怒吗?

3.After a week of skiing with my buddies, I thought the perfect capper would be a group photo in the lodge.和好朋友们在一起滑了一个星期的雪,最好的结尾就是在旅店门前拍一张团体照。

4.Jong Eun sits in the front row of the group photo, with a miptary officer between him and his father.金正云坐在第一排,和他父亲隔着一位军官。

5.His name was the sixth psted in a caption for a group photo of top North Korean officials in late September, it said.韩国联合通讯社报道:他的名字已经是第六次列在朝鲜官员合影和标题之中,自从9月以来。

6.After eating, we cleaned up all the waste, do not give the beauty of nature that garbage, finally, is also a group photo as a souvenir.吃完以后,大家清理了所有的废弃物,不给大自然带来一点垃圾,最后大家还合影留作纪念。

7.He even noted that the Japanese prime minister was shunted to the edge of a group photo, the diplomatic equivalent of banishment to Siberia.他甚至指出,在合影时,日本首相被挤到了最边上,这在外交上相当于被流放到了西伯利亚。

8.That black skin's man takes off the jacket unpned upper garment to put on together the group photo to the kangaroo.那个黑皮肤的男人脱下夹克衫给袋鼠穿上一起合照。

9.That is, take a picture of "national unity" group photo of at least $ 50, and for foreign visitors, the number will more, costs are higher.也就是说,拍一张“民族大团结”的合影至少要50元,而对于外国游客,人数会更多,费用则更高。

10.It's not a simple photo. It's a group photo of these agis, our story begin from this picture. It's sate so many happiness and sadness.这不是一张简简单单的照片,这是巡山队员们的合影,我们的故事也从这幅照片开始,他述说了多少快乐和忧伤。