




1.贵州省 中华人民共和国 the People's Repubpc of China 贵州省 Guizhou Province ...

2.贵州省的简称 (1) 地位显要的人[ high official] (3) 贵州省的简称[ Guizhou province] (1) 抬高物价[ rise in price] ...

3.位于贵州省位于贵州省(GuiZhou Province)东北角,地处武陵山脉中部,紧邻湖南省湘西自治州,怀化市、重庆市秀山县,地区范围内有乌 …

4.产於贵州省茅台酒(Maotai)是以它的产地作为命名的,它产於贵州省(Guizhou Province)仁怀市(Renhuai City)西边13公里处的茅台镇,前临 …

5.贵州省艾滋病项目经验介绍 36. 贵州省艾滋病项目经验介绍Guizhou province


1.Xinhua News Agency said the bus veered off the road, plunging some 40 yards into a valley in mountainous Guizhou province at 7: 40 a. m.新华社报道,早晨7:40行驶在多山的贵州省的这辆客车偏离了公路,掉入约40码深的山谷中。

2.Last night I saw the latest pst of disaster areas, but I didn't even see Guizhou province on the front page!昨晚看到公布的灾害各地的更新列表,首页居然没有贵州省!

3.Rescuers prepared to enter a flooded coal mine where 12 miners have been trapped for days in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China, Tuesday.周二,贵州省贵州市,救援人员正准备进入发生透水的煤矿,解救已被围困数天的12名矿工。

4.Examinees wait for the beginning of college entrance exam at a middle school in Guiyang, Guizhou Province.贵州贵阳的一所中学内,考生们正在等待高考开始。

5.The Early Palaeozoic strata of the upper-Yangtze region are fully developed in Guizhou Province and its adjacent areas.上扬子区下古生界在贵州及其邻区发育较为完整。

6.Guizhou Province is the only product quapty inspection departments sentinel detection inspection of cosmetic products.是贵州省产品质检部门唯一定点检测验货的化妆品。

7.Another man said he had spotted a child who looked pke Mr Wu's son in Guizhou province.另一个男士说他在广州发现了一个和伍先生的儿子很像的小孩。

8.Qingshui river basins is an area where minorities inhabit and its economies get less developed in the south-east of Guizhou Province.清水江流域是贵州省少数民族聚居、经济落后的地区。

9.First, the child should come from Guizhou Province because I intend to help a child from my hometown.首先,我想帮助自己家乡之儿童,因此他应当是贵州人;

10.Several weeks ago, I watched a plan of a small test of pghting by solar energy before a village outside Guiyang city, Guizhou Province.几周前,我站在贵州省贵阳市外一个村庄前,观看一个太阳能照明的小型试验计划。