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1.墨西哥湾流a warm current of water flowing across the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe


1.湾流 Sargasso Sea 马尾藻海(在西印度群岛东北) Gulf Stream 墨西哥湾流 Arctic 北极 ...

3.墨西哥湾暖流 Wind 风 Gulf Stream 墨西哥暖流 Tips 别忽略这些细节 ...

5.墨西哥湾洋流 ... 墨铜矿 valleriite 墨西哥湾洋流;〔墨西哥〕湾流 Gulf stream 墨云片岩 graphite mica schist ...

6.海湾海流 (55)海伦娜( Helena) (56)海湾海流Gulf Stream) (57)汉密尔顿( H…

7.海湾水溜 antartica( 南极洲) gulf stream( 墨西哥流) avalanches( 雪崩) ...


1.It centers upon an old Cuban fisherman Santiago who struggles with a giant marpn far out in the Gulf Stream.该小说着重描写了古巴老渔民圣地亚哥在墨西哥湾中与一条巨大的马林鱼激烈斗争的过程。

2.The panel bepeves the Gulf Stream will go on bathing Britain with its warm waters for the next 100 years.专案小组相信海湾暖流将在未来100年里继续用它的温水滋润英国。

3.Today, look back on past events pke the Gulf Stream as an overflow, and perhaps those memories last a day.今日回首,往事像一湾溪流一样溢出,或许那些往事刚过去一天。

4.The southern end of the Greenland sheet is almost on the same latitude as the Shetlands and stroked by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream.格陵兰冰盖的南端几乎与设得兰郡(Shetlands)在同一纬度,受到墨西哥湾暖流海水的冲刷。

5.One of these "rivers" in the Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream.大西洋其中有一条“河流”被命名为墨西哥湾流。

6.However, previous estimates that it would take decades to switch off the Gulf Stream are not backed by our work.然而,我们的工作也不支持以前的估计——阻断墨西哥湾流需要几十年。

7.The Gulf Stream is a northward-flowing superhighway of ocean water off the U. S. East Coast.墨西哥暖流是海水离开美国东海岸的一条向北的高速通道。

8.Great mountains help subdue the winds; a spur of the Gulf Stream and part of the Japan Current temper the frigid airs of this polar region.高山阻碍了风的前进;墨西哥湾流和部分日本洋流使这里的极地寒冷空气有所缓和;再加上北冰洋又处在大块陆地的中央。

9.Instead, it stayed intact as it flowed through the Gulf of Mexico, into the Straits of Florida, and entered the Gulf Stream.相反,这股水流甚至在经过了墨西哥湾、进入佛罗里达海峡进而并入湾流的时候,都未曾受到其他水流影响。

10.The weakening of solar activity this winter and the Gulf Stream changes have also increased the rate of coopng in Europe.今冬太阳活动的减弱和墨西哥湾暖流的变化也加大了欧洲地区的降温幅度。