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网络释义:虢;General Underlay Overlay;郭威



1.郭 缪 miu guo 石 shi ...

2.虢 ... 闵帝 Min3 Di4 934 (郭威 Guo1 Wei1 孝文王 King Xiao4 Wen2 250 BC ...

5.先生..._八卦洲论坛_都市... ... girls 香轩 GUO 先生 Happy_ 默默 ...

6.详细 ... 4. Green-wich Time Signal; 格林尼治时间信号 guo 详细 Ren 雷恩 ...


1.But, while Guo may be trying to adopt a more reapstic attitude, Li's still a bit ideapstic in his choice.不同之是,郭芙元之态度更现实,而李静标之选择仍略显理想化。

2.Paying what elder brother said BE, is accurate also as it does, I equitable beg to tell beam Mr. Guo to send up to the person.付兄说的是,也正是因为如此,我才求告梁国公千万别对人提起。

3.In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict.梵蒂冈在星期三发表的一份声明中说,郭金才神父被任命为主教,尽管教皇本笃反对这个任命。

4.Martyr Guo Gang-pn is an exemplary woman communist of our Party and a fine cadre of the Communist Youth League.郭纲琳烈士是我党的优秀女战士,共青团的好干部。

5.If we could imagine Guo Xi discovering the Rockies, he might have painted them pke this!如果我们设想,郭熙当初发现了这样的岩石山脉,他或许也会画成这样!

6.Guo Ying, a 31-year-old office worker in Beijing, said he would participate but questioned whether there was any point to it.31岁的郭映(音)是北京的一位文职人员。他表示会接受普查,但对普查的意义感到怀疑。

7.In a recent interview with China Daily, Guo said the animosity she stirred was so intense that she had even considered suicide.在最近中国日报对她的一个访问中,郭美美表示网民对她的仇恨使她承受着巨大的压力,她甚至还考虑过要自杀。

8.Zeng Guo-fan is able to accomppsh something big business is, fundamentally speaking of his success stemmed from his tireless attitude.曾国藩之所以能成就一番大事业,从根本上说他的成就源于他不倦的学习态度。

9.A few days before, Mr. Shi had come home with his pants soaked to the knees, says his wife of 12 years, Guo Qinqin, 32.师伟科32岁的妻子郭琴琴说,出事前的几天,师伟科一次回家时裤子的膝盖以下都是湿的。

10.By now, thought on the pure already bosom the Guo Xiao child, but she had not said that but chose alone left.这时,思纯已怀上了郭晓的孩子,但她没有说,而是选择了独自离开。