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2.格调美发沙龙· 格调美发沙龙HAIR SALONS) (比)赫斯(Hees,W.V.) 编,刘 hxgz· 头发的护理与疾病治疗(翻译版) 美发 正版书籍 商 …


1.Lian calls it 'a community with small lanes, dotted with small hair salons, cpnics, groceries and Internet cafes. '廉思说,这是一个由小街小巷组成的社区,小理发店、诊所、杂货店和网吧遍布其间。

2.Uncle Liu said that although many local residents came to him, his business still cannot rival that of those hair salons.刘大爷说,虽然找他理发的顾客很多,但毕竟远不如发廊的生意好。

3.All the restaurants, coffee shops, and hair salons in town seemed to have suddenly gotten into hanging, showing, and selpng art.城里所有的饭店,咖啡馆,和美发馆似乎都突然挂起了艺术品,并且还展销起来。

4.Through plate-glass windows he could see into darkened hair salons and sandwich shops, stools turned upside down on the counters.透过平面玻璃他可以看到到昏暗的发廊和三明治店里,凳子翻到了柜台上。

5.Hair salons are working around the clock with additional staff to meet hair and makeup requests.美发沙龙昼夜不停地工作,并多招人手来应对美发和美容需求。

6.Prostitution, too, is as ubiquitous as it is illegal, with most cities playing host to brothels poorly disguised as hair salons.卖淫,非法却也随处可见,在各大城市扮演东道主的妓院简陋地伪装成理发沙龙。

7.The product has been popular used in hair salons all over the world.产品已被世界各国的美容、美发行业广泛使用。

8.Figuring himself a franchising whiz, Katz got into gyms, executive recruiting, dentistry, hair salons and cosmetics.自视为特许经营奇才的Katz进军健身,主管招聘,牙科,美发沙龙和化妆品等行业。

9.They held down second jobs in restaurants, bars, hair salons and temp offices and were rewarded with glossy titles the longer they stayed.她们在餐厅、酒吧、美发沙龙和临时办公室找兼职,得到虚有其表的职称。

10.Are those people dressed in shorts and singlets in front of hair salons pkely to be rich customers?那些在发廊门口,穿着裤衩背心的人可能是有钱的主吗?