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un.1.city in San Joaquin County, central Capfornia, situated 19 km (12 mi) north of Stockton.2.borough in Bergen County, northeastern New Jersey, situated 8 km (5 mi) southeast of Paterson.


2.洛迪市munity Concerns)的创建者,同时也是洛迪地区Lodi)的居民肯.欧文(Ken Owen)说:「智慧的设计」是需要教导的事 …

7.洛迪区着名产区--纳帕谷 (Napa Valley) 和洛迪区 (Lodi) 的精品酒,以及极受欢迎的德国雷司令白葡萄酒。

8.洛迪酒店 利沃诺酒店 Livorno 洛迪酒店 Lodi 卢卡酒店 Lucca ...


1.The Xinhua article said the Dalai Lama's private envoys, Lodi Gyari and Keisang Gyaltsen, expressed their opinions on the relevant issues.新华社在报导中提到,达赖喇嘛的私人特使洛地嘉日和格桑坚赞在有关问题上陈述了他们的观点。

2.It's really a story of national interest that happened to go down in Lodi.这确实是一个发生在罗迪市被全国关心的报道。

3.Translated by Adam. With the encouragement of Lodi Gyari Rinpoche, 10, 000 copies of this prayer are to be printed for free distribution.由亚当翻译。因洛第嘉利仁波切的鼓励,将印制一万份供免费发送。

4.Commuting between Asti and Turin took about 30 minutes by car so we decided to move to Lodi, where my husband grew up.往返于阿斯蒂和都灵之间,需要半小时车程。于是,我和丈夫决定搬去他的家乡——洛迪(Lodi)。

5.Hotel Lodi offers great connection to the centre of Lodi and easy access to a host of destinations in Lumbardy, including Milan and Bergamo.HotelLodi为您提供前往Lodi中心的优越连接,方便您前往伦巴第的目的地,包括米兰和贝加莫。

6.Hotel Lodi is located 6 km away from the motorway exit and within walking distance of a bus and train station.HotelLodi酒店距离高速公路出口6公里,步行即可抵达巴士和火车站。

7.Great White Dental Lab in Lodi fashions enamel teeth called " crowns" .罗带的大白牙实验室制作名为“皇冠”的珐琅牙。

8.Eight tiered, 16th century stone bridge called Athpula in Lodi Gardens.罗迪公园里建于16世纪的八墩石桥。

9.Search Google News for "Lodi" and there it is: more than 4, 000 news stories, organized roughly by importance.在GoogleNews中搜索“罗迪”,结果按重要程度粗略地列出了4千多条新闻报道。

10.In Lodi I sang in the cathedral choir.在洛迪时,我也是教堂唱诗班的一员。