




1.海口(Haikou)口到柳州特价机票价格 千叶航空海口打折机票代理提供海口(HAK)飞柳州(LZH)打折机票,最新机票价格信息,下面是相关航 …

2.黑 hoi 海 hak ham 咸 ...

3.海口美兰国际机场 ... ha 下夏贺何河荷遐 hak 学鹤虐 hal 割辖 ...

5.海口美兰机场海口 海口美兰机场(HAK),广州 广州白云国际机场(CAN),北京 北京首都国际机场(PEK),乌鲁木齐 乌鲁木齐地窝铺机场(URC) 出 …

6.海口机场海口机场(HAK) 115km 南宁机场(NNG) 274km 三亚机场(SYX) 300km 澳门机场(MFM) 387km 湛江机场(ZHA) 54km 北海机场(B…


1.A volunteer heard about this and tried to rescue the cats there. Hak-jei was one of them.有位义工得知这事,便安排了救猫行动,小黑便是其中一头。

2.He stepped towards the new Mrs. Hak-Tak to put her back in the pot, and his wife swung the new broom and hit him on the head.他走过去要把新的哈达太太放回水缸里,哈达太太挥舞着新的扫把一下打在他的头上。

3.Mr. Hak-Tak came in and saw his wife's legs kicking above the rim of the pot.哈达先生走进屋里看到他妻子得的腿在水缸外面乱蹬,赶紧把她拉了出来。

4.Mr. Hak-Tak was embarrassed by his wife's shouting in front of the other Mrs.哈达先生觉得很尴尬,因为自己在另外一个哈达太太面前被妻子骂的狗血喷头。

5.Called hak-parazzi, these people disguise themselves as parents and approach hakwon managers to ask about prices.这些人把自己伪装为孩子的父母,向私人补习学校的管理者询问学习费用。

6."I can't do that" he said "because the pot would make another one and then I'd have three Mrs. Hak-Taks" .“我不能那么做,”他回答道,“因为水缸会在变出一个来,我们就有三个哈达太太了。”

7.I don't want another Mr. Hak-Tak in the house. Why did you pull him out? You should have left him in there!我可不想在这个家里多一个哈达先生。你们干吗把他拉出来?你们应该把他留在那儿!

8.Another Zainichi player, An Yong Hak, spoke with the Asahi Shimbun (a Japanese daily) after his World Cup experience.另一名在日朝鲜人球员,安英学,在世界杯经历后对《朝日新闻》(一家日本日报)如是说。

9.Hak-Tak suggested that they must n't make too much noise, in case someone should come and steal their pot.后来哈达太太认为不能太大声了,以防有人听到他们会偷了他们的水缸。

10.A global ideal doesn't stop at the face, says dental surgeon Jung Hak.要整形不只是脸,牙医郑赫(音译)说。