




1.湖人总管库巴契克ke D'Antoni)暂时保住总教练的工作,球队总经理库巴契克(Mitch Kupchak)表示,下个赛季丹东尼仍会继续执教。

6.湖人队总经理库布切克道这个名字,因为当时我有看到他的履历”。布朗承认,湖人队总经理库布切克Mitch Kupchak)一直对林书豪很有兴趣,不 …


1."We feel we picked up two players that could have upside, " Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak said.“我们觉得交易来的这两位球员拥有上升的空间,”湖人总经理米奇说道。

2.That's when general manager Mitch Kupchak waved his magic wand to come up with Pau Gasol from Memphis to man the low post.这时候总经理米奇库普查克挥舞着他的魔杖拿出与加索尔从灰熊队以男子低职位。

3.The first domino has made all the difference. From the first moment general manager Mitch Kupchak made the deal, the Lakers responded.第一个多米诺使一切都变得不同。在米奇库普切克完成交易的那一时刻,湖人队就发生了反应。

4.Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak will be evaluating whether large-scale changes need to be made.那时,湖人队总经理MitchKupchak将会评估是否要对球队进行大手术。

5.He was reportedly unhappy with Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak and Jackson.据报道,他对湖人队总经理库普切克和杰克逊不满。

6.Bryant said he had his agent, Rob Pepnka, call Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak and make the trade request official.科比说他的代言人RobPepnka通知湖人的总经理MitchKupchak并且交易要求已经送到办公室了。

7.I don't know that I've ever seen a better mid-season trade than the one mitch kupchak worked for this guy.我以前从来没有见过哪一桩季中交易,有库普恰克为得到加索尔而操作的这一桩这么好。

8.Last year, the Lakers were the trade deadpne winners because Mitch Kupchak fleeced Memphis for Pau Gasol.去年,湖人是交易截止日的赢家,因为库普切克从孟菲斯灰熊手里抢夺到了保罗加索尔。