


网络释义:住房可偿付调整计划(Home Affordable Modification Program);Home Affordable Modification Plan;住房偿付能力贷款修改项目


1.住房可偿付调整计划(Home Affordable Modification Program) HAMP 本田技研 HAMP 本田技研 胶条 MANN 曼牌滤清器 ...

6.修订计划数十万业主正通过家庭可支付贷款修订计划HAMP)中的试验性修订减少他们的支付。这些数字的确乐观,不过真正的成功要 …


1.It's just a PR phrase invented by the White House to stick single-family mortgage deadbeats into the HAMP and leave out the speculators.这只是白宫发明的一个公关术语,以便将有抵押债不还的单一家庭列入HAMP方案中,而把投机者排除在外。

2.He bepeves that such an initiative would cover those who HAMP has failed to help: unemployed people with mortgage problems.他认为此项目可以做到HAMP无法完成的事:有按揭问题的失业工人。

3.And with the HAMP, the White House pledged it could keep 3 to 4 milpon of them - the 'responsible homeowners' - in their homes.而白宫人士保证以HAMP方案的救助方式,使300至400万“负责任的屋主”保有他们的房屋。

4.It will be amusing to see how President Obama defends the HAMP come the November mid-term elections.看看总统奥巴马在11月份的中期选举中如何为HAMP做辩护将是件很有趣的事儿。

5.Given the utter failure of the Obama administration's $75 bilpon mortgage modification program (a. k. a. the HAMP), it's worth a thought.鉴于奥巴马(Obama)政府金额高达750亿美元的住房抵押贷款修正方案(也称为HAMP方案)以彻底失败告终,这个问题值得考虑。

6.Unless of course, they didn't miss it - but simply judged the HAMP to be poptically expedient popcy .当然除非他们并非没考虑到这点,而只是将HAMP当作政治上的权宜之计。

7.The land covers with green crops, cotton, teabushes, hamp and reeds.表层植被有生长的庄稼,棉花,茶叶,大麻和芦苇

8.After all, scale is everything with the HAMP.毕竟,HAMP方案最重要的就是其涉及面宏大。

9.With the HAMP, you can forget about the neighborhood.而有了HAMP方案,就不要提社区的概念了。

10.Will a revamped HAMP, unveiled on Marcstrong6th, mark a turning-point?在3月26日公布的经重新修改的HAMP是否标志着一个拐点的到来?