


美式发音: [ˈsɔrs(ə)rər] 英式发音: [ˈsɔː(r)sərə(r)]



复数:sorcerers  同义词




1.(故事中的)术士,男巫,巫师(in stories) a man with magic powers, who is helped by evil spirits


n.1.a man who uses evil spirits to do magic in stories

1.术士 warren: 大杂院;拥挤的地区 sorcerer: 魔术师;男巫士 bunker: 地堡 ...

5.男巫士 warren: 大杂院;拥挤的地区 sorcerer: 魔术师;男巫士 bunker: 地堡 ...

6.妖人 妖娆〖 enchanting〗 妖人sorcerer;enchanter〗 妖术〖 blackart;sorcery;witchcraft〗 ...


1.There was an evil sorcerer and a great battle, and my parents were saviors.那里有一个邪恶的巫师和一场大战,我父母是救世主。

2.When he heard that there was going to be auditions for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001), he decided to go for it.当他听说要有演员为《哈利波特与魔法石》(2001年),他决定去追求它。

3.So, apparently one of the survivors of the tomb had been a sorcerer after all.那么,显然墓穴的生还者已经无论如何都是个法师。

4.SORCERER: Quiet with your silly cookies -- I'm trying to concentrate!巫师:别说你的运气甜角了--我正想事呢!

5.One day, the sorcerer needed to leave the castle. He told the boy to clean the castle's floor. He looked at the boy with a serious face.有一天,魔术师必须离开城堡,他要小伙子清理城堡的地板。他很认真地看着小伙子的脸。

6.Long time ago when earth was witnessing its dark ages, Mazoumba the evil sorcerer is trying to spread his power all over the world.很久以前,地球仲处于黑暗之中,恶魔正试图将其邪恶势力扩张至全世界。

7.The mythical philosopher's stone, or sorcerer's stone, is said to be a chemical substance capable of turning lead into gold.神秘的点金石,或魔法石,据说是一种能将铅转化为金的化学物质。

8.The sorcerer pointed to the door. He wanted the boy to leave his castle.魔术师指向大门,要小伙子离开城堡。

9.There have been many reports of the Sorcerer's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr.许多世纪以来,关于魔法石有过许多报道,但目前唯一仅存的一块魔法石属于尼可·勒梅先生。

10.You torture the sorcerer, but nothing particularly comes of it. You just move on to the next quest.虐待巫师,没有任何特别的收获,你只不过是就此开启下一个任务而已。