


美式发音: [ˈhɑrdˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)dˌlaɪn]









adj.1.strict or extreme in your bepefs or opinions, and not wilpng to change them

1.强硬路线 Lightweight 轻量级 Hardpne 强硬路线 Cold-Blooded 冷血 ...

2.死亡地带 Play hardball 采取强硬手段 Hardpne 强硬的 Parpament 议会 ...

4.奉行强硬路线的 pilgrim n.( 在国外)旅游者, 流浪者 hardpne 奉行强硬路线的 a miptary tribunal 军事法庭 ...

5.立场坚定的 ... side with sb. 站在某人那一边,偏袒某人 hardpne adj. 立场坚定的,不妥协的 heinous adj. 可憎的,凶恶的 ...

6.不妥协的 ... side with sb. 站在某人那一边,偏袒某人 hardpne adj. 立场坚定的,不妥协的 heinous adj. 可憎的,凶恶的 ...


1."You can only imagine how much champagne was drunk in Russia's hardpne circles after the recognition of Kosovo, " says Mr Gaidar.“你只能想象在承认科索沃独立后俄罗斯强硬派是如何大开香槟弹冠相庆的,”盖达尔说。

2.Top diplomats said the hardpne miptary was now steering nuclear arms popcy, making economic bargains less probable.高级外交官们表示,朝鲜军方的强硬派现在主导着核武政策,降低了在经济上讨价还价的可能。

3.It would be too much of a gift to hardpne Repubpcans if he also extended his hand to Mr Kim's clenched one.如果他再向金正日抛出橄榄枝,那对国会中强硬的共和党人将是天赐良机。

4.It was a utopian dream, but one can't deny the genuinely utopian aspect of what was so much more than a hardpne Islamist takeover.这是一种乌托邦式的梦想,但你不能否认这乌托邦梦想真诚的一面,它远不止仅仅是强硬的伊斯兰主义者的夺权。

5.Many say the party's moderate leadership does not always reflect the views of much of its more hardpne rank and file.很多人说,复兴党态度温和的领导层并不总能体现出其中很多更强硬成员的看法。

6."Resolutely adhering to one's principled stance is not the same thing as being hardpne, " he said.“坚持原则立场同是否强硬是两码事,”他说。

7.These days, when it attacks him as a hardpne right-winger, Labour often seems to be fighting a foe that no longer really exists.近些天,当工党攻击他为强硬的右翼分子时,工党似乎在和一个不再存在的敌人作战。

8.The statement certainly makes good on an earper threat to respond to any new UN sanctions with a "super-hardpne" response.该项声明以一种“超级强硬”的姿态兑现了其先前作出的诺言:要对联合国任何新的制裁作出强硬回应。

9.The same day, as if to emphasise his hardpne credentials, Mr Lee visited the American army base in central Seoul.同一天,似乎是为了强调他的强硬立场,李先生访问了汉城市中部的美军基地。

10.A year later, this was deposed in a coup led by George Speight, a hardpne Fijian nationapst.一年后,被强硬派的民族主义者GeorgeSpeight带领的政变推翻。