


美式发音: [ˈhærɪsˌbɚɡ] 英式发音: [ˈhærisbə:ɡ]





un.1.city and capital of Pennsylvania, located in the southern part of the state.

1.哈里斯堡 州 府:多 佛( Dover) 州 府: 哈 立 斯 堡( Harrisburg) 州 府: 特 兰 顿( Trenton) ...

4.哈里斯堡市 Greater Allegheny 阿利根尼分校 Harrisburg 哈利斯伯格分校 Hazleton 黑泽尔顿分校 ...

6.宾夕法尼亚州哈利斯堡闻网与《华尔街日报》报道,涉事的3家麦当劳餐厅位于宾州哈利斯堡地区(Harrisburg),麦当劳总部表示,这3家分店的老板 …


1.To solve this problem, he ordered dedicated phones pnes be connected between the White House, the NRC, and the State House at Harrisburg.为了解决这一问题,他下令在白宫和国家科学研究委员会以及哈里斯堡州政府办公室之间搭设起电话专线。

2.And insomuch as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, I had to tell someone.而且因为没有人会知道,在哈里斯堡到路易斯堡的路上我是个多么好的人,所以我得亲自去告诉别人。

3.And then, there are the tourists from all over the world. Kirk Patrick traveled from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to enjoy the Games.然后,是来自世界各地的游客。凯克•帕特里克从宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡来到这里欣赏奥运会。

4.In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it is illegal to have sex with a truckdriver inside a toll booth.另外,宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡,在收费站内和卡车司机XXOO亦是违法行为。

5.At Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pa. , only a small amount of radiation was released before the meltdown was controlled.在美国宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡附近的三厘岛上,在核灾难之前仅有少量辐射物。

6.The house is one of a cluster of homes near an intersection in Loysville, a rural stretch of farm land about 25 miles west of Harrisburg.这栋房子位于哈里斯堡以西25公里处一片叫做Loysville的农场区的一个交叉路口的附近,其周围还有很多的住宅。

7.Some people, including Dan Miller, the city controller, are recommending that Harrisburg should seek protection in the bankruptcy courts.一些人包括城市控制人丹米勒,认为哈里斯堡应该寻求破产保护。

8.By Saturday, March 31, Carter had decided to pay a personal visit to Harrisburg.3月31日,卡特决定要亲自造访哈里斯堡。

9.Pennsylvania gave the same assistance last year to Harrisburg, which had issued bonds for an overly ambitious trash-to-energy project.宾夕法尼亚州也给予过哈里斯堡同样的援助,州政府曾对一个极度庞大垃圾发电计划发行债券。

10.In Harrisburg, Pa. , an incinerator project has forced the city to weigh a potential bankruptcy fipng.在宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡(Harrisburg),一个焚化炉项目迫使这座城市开始考虑申请破产的可能性。