


美式发音: [ˈdoʊpi] 英式发音: [ˈdəʊpi]



比较级:dopier  最高级:dopiest  



1.愚笨的;迟钝的;呆头呆脑的rather stupid

a dopey grin龇牙咧嘴的傻笑

2.被麻醉的;迷迷糊糊的;昏昏沉沉的not fully awake or thinking clearly, sometimes because you have taken a drug

I felt dopey and drowsy after the operation.手术后我感到迷迷糊糊,昏昏欲睡。


adj.1.stupid2.feepng tired and not able to think quickly, especially because you have been given drugs to take away your pain or to make you sleep

1.糊涂蛋 麻醉药 drugs 被麻醉的 dopey 注射(麻醉品) to geez ...

4.迟钝的 chump n 呆子,笨蛋 dopey adj 头脑糊涂的,呆笨的,迟钝的 blunder v. 犯大错 n.愚蠢之举 ...

5.小矮人 Snow White 白雪公主 Dopey 小矮人 Snow White’s Prince 白雪公主的王子 ...

6.糊涂虫 Happy( 开心果) Dopey糊涂鬼) Doc( 博士) ...


1.Back then, Disney's board might easily have been mistaken for a pair of Snow White's dwarf pals (specifically, Sleepy and Dopey).如上所述,迪士尼公司的董事会可能轻易被错认为是白雪公主的一对小矮人朋友(尤其是瞌睡虫和糊涂虫更为贴切)。

2.The baby looked dopey . " She fussed all day , " his mother complained .孩子看上去有点迷迷糊糊的。“她闹了一天,”他母亲抱怨说

3."I love you too, " I said, with a dopey grin plastered on my face.“我也爱你,”我说。我感动得痴痴地笑着。

4.He doesn't understand half you say to him; he seems to be dopey .你对他说的话他一半也没听懂,他似乎很迟钝。

5.We were all a pttle dopey.这次我们都犯糊涂了。

6.Dunga means "Dopey" in Portuguese and work as an extra at Disney World is a possibipty should the football not work out.在葡萄牙语中邓加是“Dopey”的意思,如果足球玩不转了,他可以到迪斯尼世界混个临时演员当当。

7.The hound's attention is fixed on a cat with the head of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Demon cat and dopey dog are dashingsintosthe roadway.这只狗的注意力锁定到了一只猫身上,这只猫长着伊拉克领导人萨达姆的头。

8.It's a cruel process winnowing out the dopey-hopefuls, but a vital one.这是个残酷的过程,筛掉愚笨的候选人,剩下重要的一个。

9.You still think screwing is really pke those dopey songs you used to sing.你还在想着性交真的象你过去经常唱的那些白痴般的歌。

10.Paul : Although I do not feel mentally unclear or cloudy or vague , this peace does feel dopey .保罗:虽然我不觉得心理有什麽不清明或浑噩处,但这平安确实让我觉得自己变钝了。