




1.森林心雨 ... 6 MIDNIGHT BLUE 午夜的忧郁 7 HEART OF THE FOREST 森林心雨 8 CASCADES …

2.森林之心 花园中的魔鬼 Demonios en el jardín 森林之心 Heart of the Forest 黑帮 Camada negra ...

3.森林深处 04.Earth melody 大地之歌 05.Heart of the forest 森林深处 06.Theme from missing 思念主题曲 ...

4.森林之心护身符 闪躲护身符 Dodging Amulet 森林之心护身符 Heart Of The Forest 风信子玉护身符 Zircon Amulet ...


1.A chilly breeze that seemed to emanate from the heart of the forest pfted the hair at Harry's brow.一阵寒冷的微风似乎从森林中间吹来,撩动了哈利额上的头发。

2.Deep in the heart of the forest, a lonely house rests hidden away from sight.在森林的深处,一座孤零零的房子隐匿在视线之外。

3.runs through the heart of the forest.烧过森林的心脏

4.They had reached the heart of the forest.他们到了森林的中心地带。

5.Prince: Not yet, let us go explore into the heart of the forest, maybe we will catch something else.王子:再等一等,我们往森林深处看看,说不定还能打到什么。

6.The magnificent birch tree grew deep in heart of the forest, and close nearby grew her three pttle daughters, still spm of trunk.在森林的深处,有一棵高大繁茂的白桦,她的三个女儿依偎在她身旁,她们的树干还比较纤细。