




1.再看我一眼 I lay my love on you 深情不移 against all odds 再看我一眼 swear it again 爱你不渝 ...

2.危情 After Hours 三更半夜 1987 Against All Odds 危情 1984 Against the Wall 暴火危墙 1994 ...

3.冲破禁忌 against a rainy day 未雨绸缪地 against all odds 不计成败 against nature 违反自然地 ...

5.困难重重 《A Time For Us》 总有一天 《Against All Odds困难重重 《Am I That Easy To Forget》 难以忘怀 ...

6.不顾一切 名人演讲 Speech 不顾一切Against All Odds 道歉: Apologize ...

7.排除万难 4.after all 不要忘记: 5.against all odds 排除万难: 6.against a rainy day 未雨绸缪: ...

8.菲尔柯林斯 The Cranberr 试听 Against All Odds 菲尔·柯林斯 Various Arti 试听 ...


1.Well, take a look at me now, Cause I'll still be standing here And you coming back to me is against all odds.现在请再看我一眼吧因为我一直在这里等你能让你回到我身边,我不计成败只因那是我唯一能做的……

2.Is against all odds and that's what I've got to face.尽管我必须要面对重重困难。

3."It was more than luck, " White said. "It was against all odds. "“走运归走运,”怀特说。“困难还是不少。”

4.Yet, against all odds, with the backing of his parents, has enough self-motivation to do well, even though everyone thought he couldn't.蜜蜂,是那种学校认为不抱任何希望,而他们在家长的支持下能够保持足够自信的学生。

5.Because it really is "love against all odds" in every sense of the word.因为这是真正意义上不顾一切的爱。

6.But many individuals are also working against all odds to help Bangladesh overcome its problems.但有许多人仍试图克服、排除万难协助孟加拉国解决它的问题。

7.But it shows you Africans, and particularly African women , who against all odds have developed businesses, some of them world- class .但这个片子向大家展现了非洲人,尤其是非洲的女性,他们冲破重重困难建立起自己的事业,其中一些还是世界级的企业。

8.Against all odds, Nella proved herself a real fighter and survived, yet we knew that what she had endured was traumatic.尽管非常困难,Nella还是证明了自己是一个真正的勇士并且度过了难关,然而我们知道,她遭受了很大的创伤。

9.Against all odds, the pttle girl's heart was beating on its own.历尽千难万苦,小女孩的心脏终于自己跳动起来了。

10.Against all odds, they were, in a word, optimistic that the bucket might lead to something good.总而言之,它们克服困难,积极乐观地认为此水桶里可能会有好东西等着它们。