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网络释义:赫尔辛基(Helsinki);高能激光(High Energy Laser);人胚肺(human embryo lung)


n.1.in Norse mythology, the goddess of the dead and the underworld

1.赫尔辛基(Helsinki) ... 比拿伦 BLL 赫尔新基 HEL 里昂 LYS ...


1.Neil Patrick Harris is charming and self-referential, and his inclusion can only hel The Smurfs.尼尔.帕特里克.哈里斯是迷人的,自我指涉的,他的加入恰恰能帮到蓝精灵。

2.Boeing also will develop the system-engineering requirements for the entire HEL TD laser weapon system.波音公司也将为整个HELTD激光武器系统开发系统工程所需要的装备。

3.The HEL TD demonstration program will support the transition to a full-fledged Army acquisition program.HELTD演示项目将支持美陆军全面采购计划的转型。

4.Objective: To contrast cpnical effect on treatment of herpes zoster between valaciclovir Hel and acyclovir.目的:比较万乃洛韦与阿昔洛韦治疗带状疱疹的临床疗效。

5.He often hel me with maths when I have difficulty in it.当我学数学有困难时,他经常帮忙我。

6.She's also checking for predators, because now, she's got not one, but two cubes to protect. Hel-lo, world!它也在探寻捕食者,因为现在,她有不是一只而是两只幼仔需要保护。你好,世界!

7.They played pke young cats in the dusk and hel oved them as he loved the boy.它们在暮色中象小猫一般嬉耍着,他爱它们,如同爱这孩子一样。

8.For breakfast hel have all the bacon and eggs he wants - but no toast.早上,他会把餐桌上的咸肉与鸡蛋一扫而光,而对烤面包毫无兴趣。

9.HEL TD is a cornerstone of the Army's high-energy laser program.HELTD系统是美国陆军高能激光计划的基础。

10.Hel ": The Norse goddess of death and the underworld; the daughter of Loki. "赫尔:北欧神话中的死亡女神和冥界女王;洛基的女儿。