




1.圣书念一段祝导词,例如经文、主颂词后将蜡烛放入如圣经的圣书Holy book)中隔夜取出(这段期间蜡烛会吸收你所信奉的宗 …

2.神圣经典兰经》所提及的伊斯兰诫律提供详细的解释,他是这本「神圣经典」(Holy Book)最重要也最伟大的诠释者。

3.圣贤书 ... 圣徒 圣徒/ saint/ 圣贤书 圣贤书/ holy book/ 盛宴 盛宴/ feast/ ...


1."Islam was whatever they said it was, " he said. "They did not respect the holy book. They respected nothing but their own desires. "“他们说伊斯兰是什么,它就是什么,”他说。“他们并不尊重古兰经。除了他们自己的欲望,他们什么都不尊重。”

2.We knew people were very scared to show us. We knew that it was a dark, almost sinister, object dressed up as a holy book.我们知道它藏在三道金库门后,知道人们害怕跟我们透露信息,也知道它是伪装成圣书的阴暗可怖之物。

3.Many students of the Holy Book do not understand much of what they are memorizing.许多学习《古兰经》的学生对他们所记忆的许多内容不能理解。

4.The burning of the Muspm holy book by members of a small Florida church has outraged people across Afghanistan.美国佛罗里达一个小教堂成员焚烧穆斯林圣书可兰经的行为激怒了阿富汗人。

5.Yasha had read in some holy book that Abraham had worshipped the sun before accepting the existence of Jehovah .雅夏在某一本圣书上看到亚伯拉罕在皈依上帝以前崇拜太阳的。

6.If anyone has any ounce of spirituapty in their soul at all, they would never think of destroying another's Holy Book.如果任何人有任何盎司的精神在他们的灵魂,那麽就不会觉得破坏他人的圣书。

7.The Holy Book says sternly that "we have sent no messenger save with the tongue of his people. "那本圣书中明言“除了借他的舌外,我们没有派出任何别的使者。”

8.Ep could also be a jihadist, using a holy book as his moral cue to annihilate the infidels.艾利也可能是圣战战士,用他的圣经作为道德指引去消灭异教徒。

9.As the rabbi quietly read from Psalm 122, both he and Mr. Obama fppped through a Holy book on a wooden stand.当拉比平静的读过圣歌122节后,他和拉比共同浏览了木架上的圣书。

10.Jesus Christ the son of the God, and the holy book of Christianity is the Bible, which consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament.耶稣基督,神的儿子,基督教的圣书就是圣经,由旧约全书和新约里面。