




1.在公园里散步 ... national park 国立公园. take a walk in the park 在公园里散步. Hyde Park 海德公园(英国伦敦) ...

2.公园散步 ... 5.Sing. 唱歌 7.Take a walk in the park. 公园散步 9.Read a novel. 读一本小说 ...

3.在公园散步 ... 52. 去打保龄球 go bowpng 53. 在公园散步 take a walk in the park 54. 去钓鱼 go fishing ...

4.到公园散散步 ... 到公园散散步 take a walk in the park 我喜欢和朋友们在一块儿 I pke being with my friends ...


1.After supper my parents sometimes take a walk in the park.吃完晚饭后我的父母有时候在公园散步。

2.The old couple always take a walk in the park in the morning.这对老人总在早上到公园散步。

3.I usually take a walk in the park in the morning.我早上通常在公园散散步。

4.Since you are upset, let? s take a walk in the park!翻译既然你现在心烦意乱,那我们就去公园散散步吧!

5.Then take a walk in the park with a friend and shoot some portraits.接下来和朋友到公园里去拍些人像。

6.Want to go take a walk in the park later?晚点的时候去公园里面散步吧?

7.Fine or rainy, I get up at six and take a walk in the park.无论天晴还是下雨,我都是六点起床在公园散步。

8.Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park.很快到他们去公园散步的时候了。

9.why not take a walk in the park?为何不在公园散步?

10.They take a walk in the park.他们在公园里散步。