


网络释义:面向对象的查询语言(Hibernate Query Language)


1.面向对象的查询语言(Hibernate Query Language)Hibernate Query LanguageHQL)提供了十分强大的功能,推荐大家使用这种查询方式。HQL具有与SQL语言类似的语法规 …


1.With Hibernate, you can define an HQL query in a Hibernate mapping file (hbm. xml) and give it a name.使用Hibernate,可以在Hibernate映射文件(hbm.xml)中定义HQL查询并为其命名。

2.Listing 2 demonstrates two methods: a group lookup using an HQL query and a group lookup followed by an action.清单2展示了两个方法:一个使用HQL查询的组查询,另一个是后面接一个操作的组查询。

3.Of course, not many of us would need (or want, for that matter) to retrieve the entire database with a single HQL query.当然,我们之中没有多少人需要只用一个HQL查询检索整个数据库。

4.But HQL does enable you to pass native queries to your underlying database.但HQL的确可以让你直接向底层数据库传递本地查询。

5.The only exception is when your apppcation has special business rules for data aggregation and ordering that HQL doesn't support.当你的应用程序对数据聚合和排序有HQL不支持的特定业务规则时除外。

6.You can build a HQL WHERE clause using either binding parameters or simple string concatenation; the decision impacts on performance.既可以使用绑定参数构造HQL的WHERE子句,也可以使用字符串拼接的方法,该决定对性能会有一定影响。

7.To access an Individual from the database, simply specify the class name in your HQL query, as shown in Listing 5.要想访问数据库中的Individual,只需在HQL查询中指定类名即可,如清单5所示。

8.Added support for calpng Sql Functions (HQL concept) from projections (Criteria).增加了从Criteria中调用(HQL概念的)Sql函数的支持

9.This can be overridden with an eager fetching, such as join fetching using HQL or Criteria, when you need data from both entities.当你需要从实体两端获取数据时,可以用立即抓取(eagerfetching)覆盖默认策略,例如使用HQL或Criteria配置连接抓取(joinfetching)。

10.As of now, sharding framework cannot be used with HQL. It can only be used with SQL.到目前为止,分片框架不能用于HQL,它只能用于SQL。