


英文单词:HMM Tools Kit; 防空履带车; 激肽释放酶


1.HMM Tools Kit 16=DRON; 恐怖机器人 17=HTK; 防空履带车 18=DEST; 驱逐舰 ...

3.激肽释放酶 *.xml 快捷键文件 *.htk 下的文件: USERDATA 自动板块设定 ...

6.防空覆带车 VLAD 维拉迪指挥舰 HTK 防空覆带车 ROBO 摇控坦克 ...

7.保存液探讨低温保存离体器官的器官保存液(HTK)应用於低温保存公猪新鲜精液的可行性。结果显示新鲜精液不论精浆去存与否,均不 …


1.Building an audio model with HTK requires that you express the grammar in a particular format, as in Listing 2.利用HTK构建一个音频模型需要您用特定的格式表达文法,如清单2所示。

2.To address the problem above, the speech recognition system has been built on the basis of HTK as well as hidden markov model theory.针对上述问题,结合隐马尔可夫模型原理,在HTK语音处理工具箱的基础上构建了中英文特定词语音识别系统。

3.Children HTK HT training; Feeling concord, Intelligence development.儿童训练;感觉统合;智力开发。

4.When the array is complete, it then generates the string variables required from that array and outputs to the HTK and Julius formats.数组完成时,程序就从这个数组生成所需的字符串变量,并输出为HTK和Julius格式。

5.HTK: Delve into this portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models.HTK:这是一个用于构建和操纵隐马尔可夫模型的便携式工具包。

6.HTK tools visualization example, the settlement process communication, multithreaded and so on.HTK工具的可视化实例,解决进程通信、多线程等问题。

7.In addition, neither HTK nor Julius generates a dialog manager because of insufficient information.此外,由于没有足够的信息,HTK和Julius都不生成对话管理器。

8.At last, a series of experimental analysis is given based on HTK.最后,采用HTK工具箱进行了一系列的实验分析。

9.Comparison on Acceptable Miss Distance between HTK and Warhead in Anti-Missile InterceptionHTK与战斗部反导的允许脱靶量对比分析

10.Myocardial Protection of HTK Cardioplegia on Isolated Immature Rabbit HeartHTK停博液对未成熟兔心肌保护作用的研究