


美式发音: [.ɑr 'pi] 英式发音: [.ɑː(r) 'piː]


n.标准发音(全写为 received pronunciation,基于英格兰南部受教育阶层的发音)

英文单词:快速成型(Rapid Prototyping);视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa);快速原型


n.Received Pronunciation,BBC English,the Queen's English,Standard English,British English



1.标准发音(全写为 received pronunciation,基于英格兰南部受教育阶层的发音)the abbreviation for‘received pronunciation’ (the standard form of British pronunciation, based on educated speech in southern England)

abbr.1.(=radiophotography)无线电传真术2.(=rocket projectile)火箭弹3.(=refilling point)补给所

abbr.1.(=radiophotography)2.(=rocket projectile)3.(=refilling point)

1.快速成型(Rapid Prototyping)快速成型RP)技术是九十年代发展起来的一项先进制造技术,是为制造业企业新产品开发服务的一项关键共性技术, 对促进 …

2.视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa)视网膜色素变性RP)是一种慢性、进行性、遗传性、营养不良性视网膜色素病变。RP早期只有夜盲的症状,完全不影响工作…

3.快速原型而快速原型RP)技术为一种结合 CAD 与层状加工之自由实体制造技术,将计算机设计模型透过切层处理后,直接进行迭层 …

4.人品你人品RP)一般 估计2万-4万点券的大闸蟹可以抽到 RP差5万点券的大闸蟹都不中 好的话500点券一次就中

5.印尼盾印尼货币是印尼盾Rp),但各宾馆、高尔夫球场、Spa水疗中心和水上运动中心,都接受您以新元或各主要信 用卡付帐。


1.Now that RP has finished airing, Hanakimi is back on replay again. . . I guess it's hard for you guys not to see me right. . . haha!现在公主小妹结束放映了,花样少年少女回来重播了我猜想让你们不看见我还真的很难呢是吧…哈哈!

2.RP: Yes. Although it cannot last for so long, simply because vampires do not age, so I won't be able to do it for more than 2 years.答:是的,但是不可能持续太久,因为吸血鬼不会变老,那样的状态我可能没法超过两年吧。

3.Chapter Three describes the RP sound system in comparison with that of Yixing Dialect.第三章、分析英语语音体系并将其与宜兴方言进行对比研究。

4.Briefly, the RP asks the OP for specific information through a message, and the OP sends that information back in a message.简单地说,RP通过消息请求OP提供特定的信息,OP在消息中发送回这些信息。

5.RP : It is fragile , and you know , I think about emerging human diseases -- parasites that move into the human species .她是脆弱的,你知道,我想到了新兴的人类疾病——那些能感染人类的寄生生物。

6.RP: We had a bit of assistance with wire.我们用钢丝帮了一点忙。

7.In patients with RP, rod photoreceptors die from a mutation, but it has not been known why cone photoreceptors die.患有色素性视网膜炎患者,杆状细胞光感受器因突变而死亡,但不知道锥体光感受器为什么也死亡?

8.Complex shape parts can be manufactured directly by Rapid Prototyping (RP) technique through a three-dimensional model.快速成型技术可以由三维实体模型直接制造出具有复杂结构的零件。

9.METHOD Pazufloxacin injection was determined by RP-HPLC, its expiry date was predicted by an initial average rate method.方法采用高效液相色谱法测定甲磺酸帕珠沙星含量,用初匀速法预测其有效期。

10.As the name suggests, a User-Supplied Identifier is the identifier supplied by the user to the RP.顾名思义,用户提供的标识符是由用户提供给RP的标识符。