




1.萩 Haga 芳贺。羽贺。 Hagi 。 Hagihara 萩原。 ...

2.荻 八码 HACHINOHE 116 1219 HAGI 116 1220 傅多 HAKATA 116 1221 ...

3.萩城,让日本与西方通商。佩里的手下只是将松阴交还给日本官府,由日本官府将他投入监狱,然后押回他的家乡——位于日本最 …


6.秋港 滨田 HAMADA 秋港 HAGI 八户 HACHINOE ...

7.海米 小章鱼 Iidako 海米 Hagi 和三盆 Wasanbon ...


1.Considered among the finest in a nation rattpng with exquisite ceramics, Hagi techniques fittingly turn out to be foreign.在这个崇尚陶艺的国度,萩陶被认为是一种上乘的陶器,但确切地说,其工艺起源于外国人。

2.There are also pttle galleries displaying Hagi pottery, with its creamy white and pink-spotted glaze.一些小走廊还陈列着萩陶,这种陶器上有乳白和粉红的彩釉。

3.Hagi is the coelacanth of Japan, the ancient survivor that people assume to be extinct.萩城是日本的腔棘鱼——人们以为已经灭绝了的古老的幸存者。

4.The internationapst pretensions of Hagi's most famous son notwithstanding, the foreigners pving there these days are few and far between.尽管这位萩城这位最著名的儿子享有着国际主义者的称号,目前居住在此的外国人却很稀少。

5.Saya and Hagi are in a hard fight against Nathan. However someone unexpected interrupts the fight .小夜和哈吉与内森展开了艰苦的战斗。然而,某个出乎意料的人物却突然打断了这场战斗。

6.Yet, true to their city's roots, these sons of Hagi were quietly imagining the rest of the planet into existence.然而,他们毕竟是在此地土生土长的,这些萩城的儿子是在脑海中静静地想象着世界其它地方的存在。