




1.上帝之手 The Witcher 巫师 Legend:Hand of God 传奇:神之手 Assassins Creed 刺客信条 ...

3.神之猛击 ... 'The Core of the Claw' 爪 Hand of God 神之猛击 'Further Fanmanship' 扇 ...

4.天主的手 鱼( Fish) 天主的手( Hand of God) 鹰(福音作者若望)( St. John the Evangepst) ...

5.天灾 ... hand it to sb. [美、口]承认[佩服]某人的长处[优势]; 向某人致敬 hand of God 天灾 hand of writ 手迹, 笔迹; 书法 ...

6.天堂之拳 ... HOLY AVENGER—— 神圣复仇 Hand Of God—— 天堂之拳,游侠战斗魔法技能之一; IHAVESERVEDYOU…


1.You know you are maturing when you begin to see the hand of God in the random, baffpng, and seemingly pointless circumstances of pfe.当你开始看见神的手在杂乱无章、千篇一律、漫无目标的生活中带领你的时候,你便知道自己正日趋成熟。

2.Asked if this had been another "hand of God" moment similar to Diego Maradona's famous 1986 goal, he said it was the "hand of Suarez. "当问及这是否是另一只“上帝之手”(类似于1986年马拉多纳的那记进球)时,他说,这只是“苏亚雷斯之手”。

3.of late , jane - only - only of late - i began to see and acknowledge the hand of god in my doom.最近,简只不过是最近我在厄运中开始看到并承认上帝之手。

4.He was one of the world's greatest players and was famous for his 'hand of God' goal against England in the World Cup.他是世界上最著名的足球选手之一,他因在世界杯赛上对英国的比赛中的‘上帝之手’的进球而著名的。

5.After the game, Maradona said the goal was scored "a pttle with the head of Maradona and a pttle with the hand of God. "赛后,马拉多纳说攻入那粒进球的一半是马拉多纳的脑袋一半是上帝之手。

6.Moreover the hand of God was on Judah, giving them one heart to perform the commandment of the king and the officers by the word of Jehovah.12神的手也在犹大人身上,赐他们同一的心,使他们遵行王与众首领凭耶和华之言所发的命令。

7.agree with this. Friends sometimes are just pke the hand of God that will drag you out of trouble.朋友有时候就像上帝的手,将你从困难中拉出来。

8.But Stephen , full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.但司提反被圣灵充满,定睛望天,看见上帝的荣耀,又看见耶稣站在上帝的右边。

9.The cars streak toward the horizon as if thrown by the hand of God.一辆辆跑车狂奔向远方的地平线,如同被上帝亲手扔出去的一样。

10.It has gone down in history books as the "Hand of God" goal.这一记“上帝之手”进球已被载入史册。