


美式发音: [tekˈnik] 英式发音: [tekˈniːk]



复数:techniques  搭配同义词

v.+n.use technique,technique improve,develop technique,apply technique,technique test

adj.+n.modern technique,same technique,efficient technique,novel technique,effective technique

n.method,system,practice,modus operandi,procedure



1.[c]技巧;技艺;工艺a particular way of doing sth, especially one in which you have to learn special skills

The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。

marketing techniques营销技巧

2.[u][sing]技术;技能the skill with which sb is able to do sth practical

Her technique has improved a lot over the past season.在过去的一个赛季里,她的技术大有长进。


n.1.a method of doing something using a special skill that you have developed2.the skills needed to do a particular activity, especially in sports or art

1.技术 sort n. 把…分类;整理 technique n. 技术;方法 unsold a. 未销售的 ...

2.技巧 joint 球杆连接部 Technique 技巧 jump shot 跳球 ...

3.方法 原理 principle 方法 technique 经理 manager ...

4.技能 technician n. 技术人员 technique n. 技术,技能,行家手法 tedious a. 沉闷的,乏味的 ...

5.手法 MC-ing n. 司仪;节目主持 technique n. 技巧;手法 Jamaica n. 牙买加 ...

6.工艺 embroidery 绣花 technique 工艺 apppque 贴 布 ...

7.技巧,方法 technical a. 技术的,工艺的 technique n. 技术; 技巧,方法 technology n. 技术 ...

8.技术,技巧 technician n. 技术员,技师 technique n. 技术,技巧;技能 technology n. 工艺学,工艺,技术 ...


1.There was one technique not impacted by Hendrix's left handedness: setting his guitar on fire. For that, he used both hands.但是仍然还是有一种“技术”没有受到亨德里克斯左撇子的影响:把他的吉他付之一炬。干这个,他可是用了两只手。

2.National music style is often reflected by technique practice for some extent, and style is the aim and meaning of national music.在民族声乐演唱中,演唱技法是艺术风格实现的基础和手段,艺术风格是民族声乐表现的目的和意义,两者相辅相成,有机统一。

3.While your project management style may be superb and your coding technique beyond measure, design comes with its own set of questions.当你对管理和代码问题都能应对自如后,网页设计的问题自然就会浮现出来。

4.Bizarre as it may seem to turn one person's decision into a three-way inner struggle, Schelpng avers that this technique works.将一个人的决定变成三方参与的内心斗争,可能有些荒诞,但谢林断言这种方法行之有效。

5.The enamel environment processing technique did not know that may bring the reference to you.尼姆的环境处理手法不知可给你带来参考。

6.Dr Manning said: "The potential for this technique to gently un-pick the chemistry of long extinct species is quite breathtaking. "Manning博士说:“这项技术对于分析已灭绝动物化学特性的潜力是十分巨大的。”

7.Further research will help us to refine this process to make it a consistent, reproducible technique.进一步的研究将帮助我们完善这一进程,使之一致,重复性好技术。

8.The flash-based site is very easy to use and lets you stretch and resize JPG, GIF, and PNG files using a technique known as seam carving.这个基于flash的网站非常易于使用,可以拉伸和调整JPG、GIF和PNG文件,使用的技术叫做接缝雕刻(seamcarving)。

9.But tossing is also a useful technique for cooking vegetables, as a toss is often less bruising than a turn.烹制蔬菜的时候颠勺也是一个很有用的技巧,不像用铲子翻菜,颠勺不容易把菜弄破。

10."He has the mentapty and the technique to be one of the greats and he has got to play, " said the Hammers boss.“他拥有成为一名最伟大的球员所需的足球智商和技术,他需要的只是打更多的比赛,”铁锤帮教头说到。