




1.春光乍泄 断背山 / 断臂山 / BBM 春光乍泄 / 一起快乐 / Happy Together 蝴蝶 / Butterfly ...

2.欢乐在一起 ... 百年的遗产 Hundred Year Inheritance 欢乐在一起 Happy Together 加油 金先生! Cheer Up,Mr. Kim! ...

3.欢乐时光 雨夜天魔 Psycho killer 相见好 Happy together 求爱敢死队 How to pick girls up ...

6.青梅竹马 ... 海派甜心/ Hi My Sweetheart 青梅竹马/ Happy Together 下一站, 幸福/ Autumn's Concerto ...

7.一起快乐 断背山 / 断臂山 / BBM 春光乍泄 / 一起快乐 / Happy Together 蝴蝶 / Butterfly ...

8.春光乍泻 2005《七剑》 Seven Swords 1997《春光乍泻Happy Together 1976《流星蝴蝶剑》 Killer Cla…


1.If it is possible, let's happy together! Laugh under the sun until we forget everything.如果可以,我们,一起幸福!在太阳底下,大声的笑,笑到忘记了一切!

2.I really really wish that I could have the same feepngs for you and I know that if I did, we would be happy together.我真的希望我也能够对你有相同的感觉,而且我知道如果我有的话,我们是能够很开心地在一起的

3.And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: "We are so happy together, what difference does it make? "当约翰想起来问时,简却泪眼汪汪:“我们在一起多开心啊,黄丝带有那么重要吗?”

4.I have no doubt of their being happy together, ' said Emma; 'I bepeve them to be very mutually and very sincerely attached. '“我不怀疑他们会幸福地生活在一起,”爱玛说。“我相信他们是真心相爱的。”

5.clairvoyant , and I think you two are going to be very happy together.我有一点点第六感,我认为你们俩在一起将来会幸福。

6.Dick and Mike are going to get married, but I'm afraid they won't be very happy together. They don't have enough in common.迪克和迈克将要结婚,但他们俩在一起不会感到很愉快。他们的共同之处不多。

7.Then I saw Happy Together, and was just blown away by his performance.然后我看了《春光乍泄》,立刻被他的表演震住了。

8.Long distance love to talk about seven years, not if, instead of in the mall to see her boyfriend and his close friend happy together.长途恋爱谈了七年,没有修成正果,反而在商场里看到了男友和自己闺蜜喜笑颜开的走在一起。

9.But I also really pke having lots of nice people around looking at all the beautiful horses and being happy together.但我也很喜欢看周围有美丽的所有马匹和幸福在一起的很好的人很多。

10.Nobody can share sorrows with you, but to feel happy together, everyone must learn to accept alone and bear it in silence.没人能为你承担内心伤悲,只可以一起快乐。人总要学会自己承担.,默默承受。