

hard rain

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1.夺金暴潮 Hardball 临时教练 2001 Hard Rain 夺金暴潮(大洪水—惊涛毁灭者) 1998 Hard Target 终极标靶 1993 ...

2.大雨成灾 1994 《谋杀诊断》( Diagnosis: Murder) 1997 《大雨成灾》( Hard Rain) 1998 《摇钱树》( Holy …

3.暴雨 dust rain 尘雨 hard rain 暴雨 heavy rain 大雨 ...

4.暴风骤雨 沼泽激战( Swamp Fever) 暴风骤雨Hard Rain) 教区( The Parish) ...

5.匪徒趁水打劫 (Hard Rain) 洪水淹没小城,匪徒趁水打劫 (A Night to Remember) 题材同上,英国出品的经典黑白 …

6.洪水淹没小城 (Hard Rain) 洪水淹没小城,匪徒趁水打劫 (A Night to Remember) 题材同上,英国出品的经典黑白 …

7.大洪水 ... 1998 《彗星撞地球》( Deep Impact) 1998 《惊涛毁灭者─大洪水》( Hard Rain) 1997 《勇者无惧》( …


1.They stepped out. The sky had darkened and was threatening a hard rain. A few drops pattered against the building.他们终于走出了大楼。天空阴暗,似乎一场大雨就要降临。少量的雨滴落在大楼上,发出滴滴答答的声音。

2.That would be the first thing to vanish in a hard rain, so it wasn't going to appear to her now, however hard she looked.它大概是在大雨洗刷下消失得最快的部分了,因此不管她怎么努力找,现在那脚趾印都不大可能会出现在她面前。

3.We all sat silent and peaceful, as if a hard rain had just fallen.我们沉默而安定地坐在那里,就好象是刚刚下了场大雨一样。

4.It was hard; rain or no rain, it would still only be in the high forties, if we were lucky.不管下不下雨,气温最高也就四十华氏度,这还得建立在我们运气好的前提下。

5.Far beyond the battle blood shall fall pke a hard rain .远处的战场中鲜血将如暴雨而至。

6.They decided to delay holding the sports meeting because of the hard rain.由于大雨他们决定推迟召开运动会。

7.the antenna should be placed in a hard rain in places.天线应尽量放置在不易淋雨的地方。

8.We knew there would be a hard rain.我们知道将有一场大雨。

9.The rain decreased to hard rain that soaked seeds waiting for moisture in the desert soil.暴雨逐渐下降为大雨,浸泡着在沙漠土壤里急需水分的种子。

10.I was running in the hard rain, jumping in the heavy snow, pitching in the strong wind.我跑在大雨,跳跃在大雪中,投手的强风。