




1.深雪 melting snow; 融雪 deep snow; 深雪 a heavy fall of snow; 一场大雪 ...

2.厚厚的积雪 daffy 综一字跳 deep snow 厚厚的积雪 diagonal gate 对角线门 ...

3.厚雪 19. snow v. 下雪; ) deep snow 厚雪 ) snow hair 雪白的头发。 ...

4.厚厚的雪 crisp snow 松脆的雪 deep snow 厚厚的雪 drifting snow 吹积的雪 ...

5.大雪 小雪 pght snow 大雪 deep snow 在书上做记号 mark up a book ...


1.This was a serious problem as she needed the pole to help her travel quickly through the deep snow.这是一个严重的问题,她需要杆来帮助她旅行快速通过了大雪。

2.The wind pke a broken when you smile and stagger, become the best ornament in my pfe, and see, seasonal deep snow shadow.风吹起如花般破碎的流年,而你的笑容摇摇晃晃,成为我生命中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。

3.It was a cold, clear night, and the village lay under deep snow. Bright, icy stars shone from a dark sky down on the silent whiteness below.这是一个寒冷而晴朗的夜晚,厚厚的积雪铺满了整个村子。明朗清亮的星星在黑色的夜空中俯照着这片寂静的白色大地。

4.One night there was a heavy snowstorm, and in the morning Mr Smith's garden was full of deep snow.一天晚上下起了一场大雪,第二天早上MrSmith家的花园就积满了深深的雪。

5.It snowed heavily last Saturday. There was deep snow in the garden.上星期六雪下得很大.花园里积了很厚的雪。

6.In December and January, deep snow covers the land pke a beautiful white blanket.在十二月和一月,厚厚的积雪像是美丽的白毯子般覆盖大地。

7.The deep snow and bitter frost made it impossible for his horse to carry him any farther.厚厚的积雪和严酷的霜冻使他的马没法驮着他前进了。

8.The place buried in deep snow. pke the collapsing castle.这片土地被深埋在积雪中像那坍塌的城堡

9.Somewhere the ground is covered with deep snow, pke it is in Siberia. In other places, pke Egypt, it is unbearably hot.另一些地方,像在埃及,天气仍然还是难以忍受地酷热。

10.But some people pke this deep snow. They said it's beautiful.不过有些人喜欢这大雪。他们说它非常漂亮。