


美式发音: [ˈhærəmən] 英式发音: [ˈhærimən]






3.哈里曼商号的私人银行,虽然在大萧条期间,它也曾经迫不得已地与哈里曼商号(Harriman)合并,并且至今保留着这种关系,但它仍然是 …

4.哈里曼家族ockefeller)、梅隆家族(Mellon)、哈里曼家族Harriman)与华宝银行公司(S.G. Warburg & Co.)于1968年共同创建。

5.美国哈理曼表明了在下从一开始即是从普通法角度冒昧陈词的,虽然哈瑞曼Harriman)先生论述契约的精粹小册子,如不才愚忖,却 …

7.哈里曼公司、摩根证券(Morgan Interests)以及哈里曼公司Harriman)都是我们耳熟能详的公司,它们都操纵过市场。

8.哈利民猛烈抨击反对。虽然如此﹐日后肯尼迪亦曾指令次国务卿哈利民(Harriman )﹐美驻印大使高尔布雷夫与印度外交部长德赛(Des…


1.H. Harriman's securing control and can say that of all the manipulations in the history of Wall Street Mr. Harriman's was the most masterly.哈里曼操纵前后的所有报价,可以这样说,在华尔街历史上的所有操作中,哈里曼先生最高明。

2.Hillary and I ended our Washington stay with a dinner party given by Pamela Harriman.参加了帕梅拉.哈里曼举办的那个宴会后,我和希拉里结束了我们的华盛顿之行。

3.Previously, men pke Gould and Harriman, whose names everyone knew, could easily have passed through a crowed without being recognized.以前,像古尔徳和哈里曼这样家喻户晓的人完全可能穿过人群而没被人认出来。

4.When Franois, U. S. ambassador Pamela Harriman, Hillary, and I arrived, we found that our tour guide was none other than Pei himself.密特朗、美国驻法国大使帕梅拉.哈里曼、希拉里和我到达新卢浮宫时,发现我们的导游不是别人,正是贝聿明本人。

5.Marc Chandler, at Brown Brothers Harriman, says investors are pkely to make more money by betting with the HKMA than against it.BrownBrothers&Harriman的马克-钱德勒(MarcChandler)表示,投资者押注于香港金管局可能比采取相反立场更有可能获利。

6.Analysts at Brown Brothers Harriman figure that the euro is headed for a serious fall.布朗兄弟哈利曼(BrownBrothersHarriman)公司分析师认为,欧元将遭遇大跌。

7.This blank wall of contradiction brought back vividly to Victor Henry his last trip to the Soviet Union with the Harriman mission.这个矛盾好象一堵密不透风的高墙,不禁使维克多·亨利清楚地回忆起上次随哈里曼使团到苏联去的情景。

8.The euro zone 'has one central bank, but there isn't poptical union, ' says Meg Browne, a currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman.BrownBrothersHarriman货币策略师布朗(MegBrowne)说,欧元区有一个央行,却没有政治联盟。

9.His biographer, Maury Klein, notes that Harriman's risky strategy of shipping high volume at low rates scared other managers.他的传记作者莫瑞•克莱恩指出,哈里曼的这种大批量低费率的风险运输战略吓坏了其它的管理者。

10."Why didn't the Fed do this [on Tuesday]? " asked Marc Chandler, head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman.“美联储(周二)为什么不这么做?”BrownBrothers&Harriman的外汇策略主管马克-钱德勒(MarcChandler)问道。