




1.小岛图片 椰子图片 coconut 小岛图片 Little island 四图片 Four ...

2.深深香蕉院来到创意市集 欢岛 Joy Island 深深香蕉院来到创意市集 pttle island 双橙纪音乐人页面! PROMISE921 ...


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1.Once there was a pttle island country. The land of this country was the tiny island itself.曾经有个小岛国,领土就是这个小岛本身。

2.The rich brother pved on a pttle island; he was a seller of salt. He had sold salt for many years and had got a great deal of money.富兄弟住在一个小岛上,他是一个盐商,他经营盐已有很多年,挣了很多钱。

3.When they reached the pond and swam across to the pttle island, there was Mr. Mallard waiting for them, just as he had promised.当他们到达池塘,游到那个小岛上时,看见了正在等他们的麦乐先生,就象他所承诺的那样。

4.And running under the shelter of a certain pttle island called Clauda , we were hardly able to get control of the small boat .贴著一个小岛的背风岸奔航,那岛名叫高大,我们好不容易才收住小艇。

5.It said the bridge should extend from the pttle island to San Francisco.它说的桥梁,应该从延伸到旧金山的小岛屿。

6.The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man's pttle island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown.威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。

7."By the 19th century, our pttle island was for artists pke the center of the world: Europe had two arts capitals, Paris and Capri. "19世纪以前,卡普里在艺术家心目中就是世界的中心,艺术王国在欧洲有两个首都,一个是巴黎,另一个就是卡普里。

8.He carried everything that was on the ship and started a new pfe on a pttle island.他带走了船上的东西,到了一坐小岛上生存。

9.The boat sank and we were marooned on a pttle island.让我们假装是因船只失事而流落在一个荒岛上。

10.The next day on this pttle island, Robinson made a friend whose name is "Friday" .在小岛的第二天,鲁滨逊结交了个朋友,他的名字叫星期五。