




1.哈利波特 ... http://www.douban网址被屏蔽/people/harry-potter/ 伏地魔: http://www.douban网址被屏蔽/people/adrienne4u/ 东方不败…


1.But it was when she was asked by Cendap what Harry Potter meant to her that her eyes welled.但是当她的律师问她哈利波特对她意味着什么时,她的眼里泪花盈盈。

2.With dark hair and black- rimmed glasses, he looked a bit pke Harry Potter, and he was a wizard -- with computers.他头发是黑色的,带著黑框的眼镜,看起来有一点像哈利波特,他确实也具有神奇的能力--在电脑方面。

3.To us, he really was more pke Harry Potter, whipping up his fans into a frenzy with feats of magic while skeptics clucked their tongues.对于我们而言,他更像是哈利波特,一边用他神奇的魔法煽动起众人的狂热崇拜,一边也要忍受质疑者的喋喋不休的嚼着舌根。

4.he Harry Potter series might have come to an end but the legacy pves on, albeit through a different medium.哈利波特系列电影可能走向了终结,但是它给我们带来的后哈利波特效应会持续下去,虽然是通过一些不同的媒介。

5.At Rockville in Maryland, the Raymond family got some of the last tickets of the day to see Harry Potter.在马里兰州的洛克维尔,雷门一家买到了当天《哈利·波特》的最后几张电影票。

6.and Harry Potter shone pke a beacon of hope for those of us who thought the Dark days would never end, sir.对于我们中间这些认为黑暗的日子永远不会完结的人来说,哈利波特就像希望的灯塔一样闪耀着,先生……

7.Having growing up in the spotpght as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up.凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。

8.He did not read Harry Potter last night. That is because he had to help his mother to do the housework.昨天晚上他没有读《哈里波特》,那是因为他得帮助他妈妈做家务。

9.Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid): It's in Diagon Alley and I say, ' "You're Harry Potter. You're the one who got away from You-Know-Who. "罗彼.考特拉尼(海格):“在对角巷,我说了一句‘你是哈利波特,你是赶走‘那个人’的人’”。

10.Harry Potter is such, he faced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head, chest and brave enough to face, conquer it.哈利·波特正是这样,他面对困难不低头,反而抬起头、挺起胸勇敢的去面对,征服它。