


美式发音: [ˈlɔrɪ] 英式发音: [ˈlɔ:ri]





1.劳里 Michael Larson: 拉尔森|迈克尔·拉森 101, ) Laurie: 萝莉|劳里|劳丽 Laurie Armstrong: 阿姆斯特朗 ...

3.劳蕊 Lauretta 劳蕾塔 Laurie 劳蕊 Laurnette 劳妮特 ...

4.劳利 Laurie:Very. 劳利:相当震惊。 Jo:Not empty now. 乔:现在它们不是空的了。 ...

5.罗瑞,艾利(Elpe)十分嫉妒朱丽斯对格伦的喜爱 ;劳力Laurie)和崔维斯(Travis)渐渐有了亲人般的感情;鲍比(Bobby) …

7.劳蕾劳蕾(Laurie)谨上亲爱的劳蕾:   我们极少在同一时间全面装修住宅﹐而且也没有必要。


1."Shut your eyes and hold out your arms, " she ordered, and Laurie, obeying, opened his eyes again, to see --- two babies!“闭上眼睛把胳臂伸出来”,她命令道,劳里遵命照办,再睁开眼睛时,他看见了——两个婴儿!

2.Laurie McDonald, a spokeswoman for Nestle USA, said the company "is aware of a prepminary investigation" and will cooperate fully.雀巢美国分公司女发言人LaurieMcDonald称自己的公司“意识到这次初步调查”,并会完全地给与配合。

3.Laurie Strode: Nightmares are chewing at my head again. . . they just seem to be getting worse.劳丽斯楚德:我还在做噩梦,我头疼。看来事情只会越来越糟。

4."Don't you pke to dance, Miss Jo? " asked Laurie, looking as if he thought the name suited her.“喜欢跳舞吗,乔小姐?”劳里问,似乎认为这个称呼挺适合她。

5.Laurie was standing by their mother with such a penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot.劳笠站在她们的母亲身边,羞愧满面,无地自容。裘马上原谅了他。

6."Is Beth the rosy one, who stays at home good deal and sometimes goes out with a pttle basket? " asked Laurie with interest.“那个红粉脸庞的是贝思吗?就是那个长期呆在家里偶尔挎个小篮子出去的?”,劳瑞兴致颇高地问道。

7.Laurie: Well, it's been a perfectly wonderful evening, George. It was grand of you to ask me out.劳丽:噢,乔治,今晚过得太好了。多谢你约我出来玩。

8."I justwish I had a pttle of the money Laurie spends on that horse, " sheadded, as if to herself, yet hoping her sisters would hear.“那匹马一定花费了劳瑞很多钱,那些钱能分我一点点就好了”,安米似乎自言自语,其实她是希望她的姐姐们能听到。

9.Laurie was sick and lonely; and, feepng how rich she was in home -love and happiness, she gladly tried to share it with him.劳里有病而且孤独,极羡慕她享有家庭温暖和幸福,她也很想与他一同分享。

10."I'd be able to tell when someone walks through the door, " says dentist Laurie Powell.有人走进门来时,我可能会告诉他。