




1.哈利波特 22.大白鲨 Jaws 23.哈里·波特 HarryPotter 24.007(詹姆斯·邦德) JamesB…

3.哈利波特相关主题 ... Template:Harrypotter哈利波特相关主题 Template:Jack Johnson: 杰克·强森相关主题 ...

4.哈利波特系列 ... .Pharaohs Quest 法老探索 .HarryPotter 哈利波特系列 .Cars 汽车总动员系列 ...

5.初语 如奕 ASOBIO 初语 Harrypotter 奕多 IDOLE ...

6.欧布娅诺 奕多 IDOLE 欧布娅诺 Harrypotter 沃家 soobest ...


1.Harry Potter was an orphan from childhood and was maltreated by his uncle.HarryPotter从小就是孤儿,受叔叔的虐待。

2.Electronic surveillance would be a bad idea. Cloaks of invisibipty work for Harry Potter, but are not available to the rest of us.安装电子监视器是个坏主意,哈里•波特(HarryPotter)的隐形衣挺好用,但我们这些人又没有。

3.The most striking fruit of that talent was his notion for the Harry Potter marketing strategy.他的研究天赋最引人注目的一项成果,就是他对《哈利波特》(HarryPotter)市场战略的见解。

4.Harry Potter has been translated into more than 60 languages and become the idol of the children.HarryPotter被译成60多种语言,风靡全球,成为孩子们的偶像

5.HarryPotter and the Half-Blood Prince came out in 2005.2005年《哈利·波特与混血王子》出版。

6.The 3D version of the next Harry Potter film has been ditched so as not to delay its release in standard 2D, Warner Bros Studios has said.3D版本的下一步harrypotter电影已经被开掉了因为不延迟它标准的2D的发布,华纳兄弟电影说道。

7.The whole Harry Potter saga was kicked off because of a prophecy that Voldemort would be done in by a newborn wizarding infant.整个HarryPotter故事始于一个预言——伏地魔将被一个刚出生的婴儿巫师击败。

8.Ancient magic in the HarryPotter universe is not Magic from Before the Dawn of Time.哈利波特世界中的古代魔法并不同于来自启蒙时期前的魔法。

9.It's often forgotten, but Harry Potter grew up on the most Engpsh of streets.人们常常忘记一点,哈利•波特(HarryPotter)成长于最典型的英国街区。

10.So many good films come to bad ends, but not the tales of Harry Potter.很多好影片都难逃失败收场的命运,不过《哈利-波特》(HarryPotter)可不是这样。