


美式发音: [ˈmænə] 英式发音: ['mænə]

n.玛纳(以色列人在荒野 40 年中神赐的食粮)






1.吗哪,玛纳(以色列人在荒野 40 年中神赐的食粮)the food that God provided for the people of Israel during their 40 years in the desert

To the refugees, the food shipments were manna from heaven(= an unexpected and very welcome gift) .对于难民来说,运来的食物有如天降吗哪。


n.1.according to the Bible, the food that God gave to the Israeptes in the desert after they had escaped from Egypt

1.吗哪 【威尔德雷】 Verdelet 【玛娜MANNA 【红龙】 The Red Dragon ...

4.灵粮 "马尼拉蔴"," Manila hemp" "甘露"," Manna" "天然肥料"," Manure" ...

6.梣甘露 ... 硫酸亚锰 Manganous sulphate 梣甘露 Manna 甘露醇 Mannite ...



1.The longer Israel was in the desert, the better Egypt looked: good food, at no cost! In the desert they had nothing but tasteless manna!以色列民留在旷野的日子越长,便越认为昔日在埃及的日子好,他们可以享受美好的食物,而且是免费的,在旷野他们却一无所有,只有淡而无味的吗哪!

2." manna was described in the Book of Exodus as " pke coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was pke wafers made with honey.在出埃及书中描述吗哪为“像胡荽种子,白色,尝起来像蜂蜜做成的薄饼。”

3.She found me roots of repsh sweet, And honey wild, and manna DEW; And sure in language strange she said, I love thee true.她给采来美味的草根、野蜜、甘露和仙果,她用了一篇奇异的话,说她是真心爱我。

4.So Moses said to Aaron, "Take a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the Lord to be kept for the generations to come. "摩西对亚伦说:“你拿一个罐子,盛一满俄梅吗哪,存在耶和华面前,要留到世世代代。”

5.As the Lord commanded Moses, Aaron put the manna in front of the Testimony, that it might be kept.耶和华怎么吩咐摩西,亚伦就怎么行,把吗哪放在法柜前存留。

6.And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdelpum.这吗哪彷佛芫荽子,又好像珍珠。

7.One of the conclusions of this "Monday Manna" is that true joy ultimately comes out of relationship with God.本篇「周一吗哪」的结论之一是真正的喜乐来自与上帝的关系。

8.People can't do something themselves, they manna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.别人或许会告诉你不行,但你想要的就要去得到它。

9.And then there were those who disobeyed by going out on the seventh day to pick up manna.可是还有人在第七天出去收吗哪,他们却什么也找不着。

10.The manna was pke coriander seed and looked pke resin.这吗哪仿佛芫荽子,又好象珍珠。