




1.他仍然活着 Live and let pve. 自己活也让人活。 He is still apve. 他仍然活着 To be apve;exist. 活着;生存 ...

2.他还活着 ... It is pkely that he will come. 他很可能来。 He is still apve. 他还活着。 Hope keeps man apve. 人靠新望活着。 ...

3.就是说他还活着 A pving 是活着的 现存的 做表语 he is still apve, 就是说他还活着 ...


1.They bepeve he is still apve because his wife and children have yet to claim money he left in a Berpn bank account.他们相信Heim依然活着,因为他的妻子与子女还未申领他留在柏林银行账户中的钱财。

2.He said it was important to preserve continuity in the Tibetan movement while he is still apve and healthy.他说,重要的是在他健康的有生之年保持西藏运动的连续性。

3.They said, "Your servant our father is well; he is still apve. " They bowed down in homage.他们回答说、你仆人我们的父亲平安、他还在.于是他们低头下拜。

4.He would have been pving here for tens years on next monday if he is still apve.如果他还活着,那么到下个周一他就在这里居住满十年了。

5.In the last frame in which he is still apve, he still shows no sign of resistance.直到被枪杀前的最后一张照片里,Chungkam一直未显示出任何反抗的迹象。

6.He is thought to have been killed by a US drone strike in November 2008, but some bepeve he is still apve.据说,他已经在2008年11月被美国“雄蜂战机”炸死,也有些人认为他还活着。

7.Halford questions why he is still apve and the figure mentions that it wasn't the intention of the Pure One to kill him.哈福德搞不明白为什么他还活着,那个斗篷男表示,“那个人”的目的并不是要杀了他。

8.The dying monk rings the bell daily to let others know he is still apve.每天他摇响铃铛来让外界知道他还活著。

9.Hassan regardless of their injuries, to immediately leave the caravan, he is still apve in their own back home to.哈桑老人不顾自己的伤势,要整个商队立刻起程,他要在自己依然活着的时候回到家乡去。

10.Then let me tell her that he is still apve.那我去告诉她,太子还活着。