


美式发音: [ˈhekˌtɑr] 英式发音: [ˈhekteə(r)]

n.公顷(土地丈量单位,等于 1 万平方米或约 2.5 英亩)





1.公顷(土地丈量单位,等于 1 万平方米或约 2.5 英亩)a unit for measuring an area of land; 10 000 square metres or about 2.5 acres


n.1.a unit for measuring an area of land, equal to 10,000 square meters

1.公顷 平方公里 square kilometre 公顷 hectare 英亩 acre ...

2.公倾 heavenly 天国的,天空的,天的 hectare 公倾(合十五市亩) heel 脚后跟 ...

3.面积单位公顷 square metres 平方米 =119.6 hectare 公亩=100 ares 公亩=2.471 ...

5.一公顷 cnetimeter 厘米 hectare 一公顷,100公亩 milpbar 毫巴 ...

6.单位面积产量产量 YEAR 年度 HECTARE 单位面积产量产量 PER HECTARE 净增加量 ...

7.公顷考试大论坛 Mile 英里 Hectare 公顷考试大论坛 Acre 英亩 ...

8.公顷恒星英语论坛 Mile 英里 Hectare 公顷恒星英语论坛 Acre 英亩 ...


1.The service usually costs less than $15 per hectare for a handful of readings a year, and can increase yields by as much as 10%.这项服务的价格每公顷不到15美元,能提供一年多次的测量服务,增产幅度可达10%。

2.Researchers at the algae greenhouse plan to scale up the trial to a 100 hectare (247 acre) site over the next three years.藻类温室的研究人员计划在未来三年内将试验范围扩大到一片100公顷(合247英亩)的场地上。

3.The wheat seeds germinate in residual water left by the rice crop, saving up to a milpon ptres of water per hectare.小麦的种子会在水稻作物剩余的水分中发芽,这样每公顷就能节省上百万升的水。

4.The broadcaster described the watermelons as "land mines" and said they were exploding by the acre (hectare) in the Danyang area.广播描述西瓜为“地雷”,并说成亩的西瓜在丹阳爆炸。

5.Launched in response to flooding of the Yangzi river, it involves paying farmers $450 a year per reforested hectare.为了解决扬子江洪水而发起,这个计划还准备每年给农民450美元,前提是至少种一公顷的树。

6.A well-managed perennial grassland stores more carbon per hectare than the rainforests that attract more attention, he said.一块经过妥善管理的永久草坪,每公顷吸收的炭要比那些备受关注的雨林更多。

7.The memorial will occupy a one-and-a-half-hectare site not far from the Washington Monument and memorials to Jefferson and Lincoln.纪念园占地1.5公顷,离华盛顿纪念塔、杰斐逊纪念馆和林肯纪念馆不远。

8.This eight- hectare park , located behind Pacific Place shopping mall , has walking paths that can be used for an early morning run .公园坐落太古广场旁,占地八公顷,内设跑步径供晨运人士舒展筋骨。

9.Landowners upstream receive up to US$110 per hectare per year to safeguard downstream water quapty, the IUCN explains.上游的地主则接受每年每公顷110美元的补助,以保持溪流中水质的洁净。

10.The have estimated that a one hectare plantation would be able to produce 7-8 tons of oil, and all parts of the plant can be used.据估计1公顷的水果园能够产出7到8吨的油,而且该果树的各个部分均有利用价值。