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1.谢尔曼以色列谢尔曼(Sherman)坦克 和以色列谢尔曼坦克是同义词,已合并。 如想投诉,请到百度百科投诉中心;如想提出意见、建 …

2.锺舒漫锺舒漫Sherman)昨日与洪杰、女子新组合Sparkpng Girls及陈明恩,到黄埔出席环保活动,Sherman跟洪杰更担任颁奖嘉宾…

3.雪曼M4中战车:英军通称“雪曼”(Sherman),是第二次世界大战时美国开发、制造的坦克。Focke-Achgeps Fa 223 龙式军用直升 …


5.钟舒漫钟舒漫Sherman),05年参加英皇娱乐新秀歌唱大赛,夺得冠军,然后秘密练兵一年多,于2007年正式出道。出道后发行专 …


7.薛曼当年薛曼Sherman)将军带领军队执行向海洋进军战略(译注:指美国南北战争期间(一八六四年十一月十六日)它率六万 …

8.曼氏按萱曼氏SHERMAN )研究:人体的平均成份如以下的分折、统计,泥土的成份也和人体的相同:氧占有65%,炭18%,氢1…


1."The co-production treaty had existed about 10 years but had never been used, " said Emile Sherman, one of the producers.“两国的合作协议已签署了将近十年之久,但却一直没有付诸行动,”埃米尔·谢尔曼说,他也是该片的制片人之一。

2.On his return President Taylor asked Sherman what he thought of the lands. Had they been worth fighting for?谢尔曼视察后回来,泰勒总统问他觉得新增的领土怎样,值不值得打那场战争。

3.Sherman Grome drained off the assets of Equity Mortgage Management shares into his own pocket and the pockets of his friends.谢尔曼·格罗姆使证券交易会股分的资金流进自己以及朋友的腰包。

4.We start with Sherman in a Chinese restaurant , who gets a fortune that he's about to get caught by a trawler , which he does .我们从谢尔曼在一家中餐馆开始,他得到了一个预言说他将被拖网渔船捉住,结果真的发生了。

5.Sherman said prices for everything seems to be rising, so he thinks people will understand.谢尔曼说所有的东西似乎都在涨价,因此他认为人们会理解山核桃涨价的理由。

6.The base of General Sherman, a true giant among the sequoias in the heart of the Sequoia National Park.谢尔曼将军树(GeneralSherman)的根部,位于红杉国家公园中心地带,屹立在群杉之中。

7."The legislative route is no longer appeapng or practical, " Mr. Sherman said in an interview.舍曼在一次采访中说,“立法途径不再受欢迎,也不现实了。”

8.James Sherman, who taught theology and European history to Dennis, said that he never would take anything at face value.詹姆士·谢尔曼当时教神学和欧洲历史,他说丹尼斯从不相信任何表面的价值。

9.The Sherman Meter ranking also displays the number of hotel reviews that it used to formulate the overall rating.ShermanMeter还会显示出其用于计算酒店整体得分的酒店点评数量。

10.But Sherman and Allen took it a step farther.不过谢尔曼和艾伦将实验更深入了一步。