


美式发音: [ˈhaidi] 英式发音: [ˈhaidi]





1.海蒂 ... 第一级\汤姆叔叔的小屋 Uncle Tom's Cabin 第一级\小海蒂 Heidi 第一级\一千零一夜 The Arabian Nigh…

5.朱凯婷 16.Heather 石南花 18.Heidi 高贵,善良 19.Helen 欢快、聪明的女子 ...


1.(Stare at him in astonishment) Cheng, you must have fallen in love with Heidi.(怔怔地看着他)郑正,我看你是喜欢上海蒂喽。

2.So he began, telpng Heidi the name of each goat in turn as he pointed it out to her.因此,他开始告诉海蒂每只山羊的名字,并且一一指给海蒂看。

3.Heidi was found as an orphan in North Caropna, with her sister Naira, and was brought up in a wild animal sanctuary.海蒂和她姐姐在北卡罗来纳州被发现时是个孤儿,在一个野生动物保护区饲养。

4.And Heidi sat down on the ground looking as full of distress as if everything had really come to an end.海蒂坐在地上看起来非常伤心,似乎所有东西真的到了尽头。

5.For he was anxious for more than one reason that Heidi should go with him the next day.他不仅只有一个原因想海蒂第二天和他一起去。

6.Heidi looked at me with what seemed to be a renewed vigor.海蒂看着我,似乎重新得到了活力。

7.It had been nearly two decades since she had won the Puptzer prize for "The Heidi Chronicles" , her most significant play.自她因其最意味深长的剧本《海蒂编年史》赢得普利策奖后,近二十年过去了。

8.Heidi wanted me to go with her to the funeral.海蒂希望我陪她一起去参加葬礼。

9.This illness has made it painful for her to move over the last couple of weeks and Heidi was treated with vitamins and other medicine.关节炎使它最近几周行动迟缓,我们给它吃了维生素和其它药物。

10.When he asked her out on a date, Heidi insisted her mother come, too.他让她出去约会的时候,Heidi坚持要让母亲同行。