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网络释义:生长激素(growth hormone);生殖器疱疹(genital herpes);生长素



abbr.1.Ghana2.growth hormone

1.生长激素(growth hormone)生长激素(Gh)?生长激素(Gh)(检验手册) 2001-9-7β2—微球蛋白(β2—Mg)(检验手册) 2001-9-7 痰液中结晶?

2.生殖器疱疹(genital herpes)生殖器疱疹生殖器疱疹临床表现生殖器疱疹(GH)是由单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)感染所致的一种泌尿、生殖器等部位的急性疱疹性疾病…

3.生长素生长素gh)测定试剂盒  全部参数 生长素(gh)测定试剂盒(化学发光法)yzb/粤0517-2007   99 皮质醇(cortisol)测定试剂盒

4.血清生长激素目的探讨血清生长激素(GH)、胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1)及尿GH检测对矮小儿童诊断的意义。 方法华中科技大学同济医院儿科 …

5.垂体生长激素垂体生长激素(GH)瘤的治疗 垂体GH瘤的治疗应该着重于处理肿瘤组织及生长激素高分泌状态,控制疾病发展,减少多系统的并发 …

6.人生长激素  人生长激素(GH)是单链多肽,结构上类似胎盘激素---人绒毛膜生长催乳素,又称人胎盘催乳素,与催乳素很少类似.GHRH是GH合成 …


1.Green Hag[GH]: Wow, you know, it's great to see you being such a good sport about this.喔,要知道,看到你们对这个规则这么适应真好。

2.GH: You travel a lot, and travel for long. Do you think the service standard here and people's quapties have been improved over the years?『大酒店』:作为一个长期频繁旅行的商务人士,您是否感受到中国在服务水准和人民素质方面的进步?

3.The strong possibipty exists that GH response to GRF administration in young bulls may be a valuable indicator of genetic merit.强劲的可能性是存在的生长激素反应GRF行政年轻公牛队可能是一个有价值的指标遗传优点。

4.Cpnical and basic studies supporting roles for GH in ocular development are the focus of this brief review.临床与基础研究发展的支持眼的生长激素的作用是这个简短审查的重点。

5.The increase in GH secretion is possibly due to the decreasing levels of SS in the tissue and hypothalamus in response to the action of CS.增加生长激素分泌可能是由于日渐减少的SS在组织和下丘脑响应行动的政务司司长。

6.No significant relation was observed between the immune suppression and the increase of the serum GH level .而对生长激素则可引起明显的升高,但二者之间未发现明显的相关关系。

7.The dependences of the reflectivity, phase and GH shift of the system on the appped voltage and the incident angle are calculated.计算了系统反射光的反射率、相位和GH位移随入射角度及外加电压的变化。

8.Growth hormone is involved in regulating energy partitioning, and exogenous GH administration increases milk yield in cows.生长激素是参与调节能源分配,管理和外源生长激素增加牛奶产量奶牛。

9.The influence of the waist width of incident pght on the GH shift is analyzed, and the vapdity of the stationary-phase method is verified.分析了入射光束腰宽度对GH位移的影响,验证了静态相位法计算结果的有效性。

10.GH secreting tumors, which are more common in men, may present with acromegaly in adults and gigantism in children.生长激素分泌性肿瘤多见于男性,可以出现肢端肥大症(成人)和巨人症(儿童)。