





2.互帮互助 Greetings on Monday Mornings 周一早晨寒暄 Helping Each Other 互相帮助 Lunch Time 午餐时 …

4.同事互助 ... 2 Introducing Newcomer 介绍新人 3 Helping Each Other 同事互助 4 Consolation …

5.相互帮助 ... Unit 5Employers and Employees 上下沟通 Unit 6Helping Each Other 相互帮助 Unit 7Borrowing Things 借东 …

6.互相帮忙 ... 新人来到 Getting to Know New Colleagues 互相帮忙 Helping Each Other 产生矛盾 Getting Upse…

7.同舟共济 ... 立诚守信 honesty and credit-keeping 同舟共济 helping each other 敬业进取 enterprising ...

8.协助他人创建事业 1.Construct your own biz( 创建自己的事业) 2.Helping each other( 协助他人创建事业) ...


1.I'm easy to please. I often helping each other to my friends, we are pke the brothers and sisters each other.我很随和,我经常与朋友互帮互助,彼此就如兄弟姐妹一样。

2."It breaks my heart, " another teenage boy tells me, "to see my classmates compete against each other instead of helping each other. "“太令我伤心了,”另外一个高中男孩告诉我,“我的同学不是互帮互助,而是你争我夺,彼此竞争。”

3.please cherish whoever care you and try to be nice to them since good friends are often helping each other!珍惜那些关心你的人,并且同样的对他们好吧!真心的朋友都是互帮互助的。

4.But the custom of helping each other had been handed down in that village.但互相帮助的传统在那个乡村是流传下来的。

5.They could have found a certain happiness in helping each other's privation .他们在彼此互助,分担患难中,还找得到一种快乐。

6.Sometimes we are afraid to ask for favors but, trust me, the entrepreneurial world is built on people helping each other.有时候我们害怕寻求帮助,但是相信我,商业领域就是建立在人们互相帮助的基础上的。

7.People started helping each other, playing classical music on their radios, and going out for drinks after work.人们开始互相帮助,播放古典音乐,下班后一起出去玩。

8.So all things on this planet, including us, are inter-related and are helping each other to make our pfe here comfortable and pvable.大家要相互帮助,才能使我们在地球的生活变得舒服,环境适合居住。

9.Halfway through, the investigator accused them of helping each other and cited the university's honour code against cheating.实验过半,调查员就会指控他们舞弊并引用大学反对欺骗的荣誉原则。

10.So, the only way you get through is by helping each other.而要渡过难关的唯一方法就是互相帮助。