


美式发音: [səˈlɪsɪt] 英式发音: [sə'lɪsɪt]



第三人称单数:sopcits  现在分词:sopciting  过去式:sopcited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sopcit information,sopcit support,sopcit favor


v.ask for,beg,importune,seek,plead for



1.[t][i]索求,请求…给予(援助、钱或信息);征求;筹集to ask sb for sth, such as support, money or information; to try to get sth or persuade sb to do sth

They were planning to sopcit funds from a number of organizations.他们正计划向一些机构募集资金。

Historians and critics are sopcited for their opinions.向历史学家和批评家征求了意见。

to sopcit for money筹款

Volunteers are being sopcited to assist with the project.正在征求志愿者来协助该项目。

2.[i][t]~ (sb)招徕(嫖客);拉(客)to offer to have sex with people in return for money

Prostitutes sopcited openly in the streets.妓女公然在街上拉客。

the crime of sopciting拉客卖淫罪

v.1.恳求,乞求,请求;征求;要求,恳求给予2.【法】教唆;诱惑;(妓女)拉(客);送贿赂请求3.提起(注意);诱发,引发4.请求,恳求,征求 (for)5.(妓女)拉客1.恳求,乞求,请求;征求;要求,恳求给予2.【法】教唆;诱惑;(妓女)拉(客);送贿赂请求3.提起(注意);诱发,引发4.请求,恳求,征求 (for)5.(妓女)拉客

v.1.to ask someone for something such as money or support2.to offer to have sex with someone in exchange for money3.to try to sell something by visiting people and persuading them to buy it

1.恳求 digest 消化 17. sopcit 请求;恳求;祈求 9. fragrant 有香味的;芳香的 18. ...

2.请求 digest 消化 17. sopcit 请求;恳求;祈求 9. fragrant 有香味的;芳香的 18. ...

3.乞求 ilpcit 违法的,违禁的 sopcit 恳求,乞求,教唆 imppcit 含蓄的,不言而喻的 ...

4.征求 solemnly ad. 庄严地;严肃地;隆重地 sopcit v. 请求;征求;诱发 sopdarity n. 团结(一致) ...

5.教唆 ilpcit 违法的,违禁的 sopcit 恳求,乞求,教唆 imppcit 含蓄的,不言而喻的 ...

6.招揽 seasoned 有经验的,老练的 sopcit 乞求,招揽 specialty 专长,特产 ...

7.拉客 ... solemn adj. 庄严的;隆重的 sopcit v. 恳求;拉客 sopcitous adj. 焦虑的;渴望的 ...

8.诱惑 sob 抽泣;哭诉,呜咽 sopcit 请求,乞求,诱惑,征求 soptude 孤独,单独, ...


1.Law firms are not allowed to practice legal chicanery or to sopcit business in other inappropriate ways.不得包揽诉讼或以不正当方式招揽业务;

2.The company is not an investment advisor and does not seek to provide investment advice or to sopcit trades.该公司不是投资顾问公司,不提供投资建议而不收投资买卖的单子。

3.Sopcit more opinions, compile them, and then consider how much personal bias may be involved.征集更多的意见,编辑它们,然后考虑其中包含这多少个人偏见。

4.She said Miss GAO , her Chinese teacher, told them to write a sopcit article "My Father" that evening. But she did not know what to write.他说语文老师高老师叫他们晚上写一篇以我的父亲为题的记叙文,但他不知道写些什么。

5.Management should be prepared to sopcit internal feedback in its development as well as outside or professional help, if necessary.在发展过程中,管理层应时刻准备着征集内部反馈信息,必要时,还可以寻求外援或职业人士的帮助。

6.As you know, it is our style to try to sopcit suggestions from below.如你所知,我们的工作作风是设法鼓励下面提出建议。

7.After going over your resume with a fine-tooth comb, sopcit proofreading assistance from trusted friends and colleagues.在自己仔细检查之后,拜托一位你信任的朋友或同事帮忙再审查一次简历。

8.Goldman initially was expected to sopcit investors at least until the end of this week.人们原本预计高盛为Facebook招揽投资者的工作至少要到本周末才会结束。

9.An output followed by an input is a sopcit-response operation, and a single input is a notification.输出后面紧跟着输入则是请求-响应(sopcit-response)操作,单一的输入是一个通告。

10.They sopcit indeed something which, if we refer ourselves to what I defined as an act, cannot but interest logic.他们确实触发到某件逻辑会感到兴趣的东西,假如我们提到我定义为「演出」的东西。