



1.We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride.我们已经准备好跳入行动,一旦我们做到了,这将会呈现一些杂乱无序的情况。

2.However, if you are in a strong relationship, that might not be affected by this month's helter-skelter planetary pattern.然而,如果正处于一段稳固坚实的关系中,可能不会被这个月狼狈的游荡模式过分影响。

3.IN PHOTOGRAPHS, Antwerp's newest museum, with its helter-skelter stack of enormous cantilevered boxes, looks worryingly exhibitionistic.照片中,采用巨大悬臂箱杂乱堆叠的安特卫普的最新博物馆看似令人担忧的风头主义。

4.Tom fell down, and his books, papers, and lunch landed helter- skelter over the sidewalk.汤姆跌了一跤,书本、纸、午饭乱七八糟地散落在人行道上。

5.A hail of fire from us sent the enemy troops fleeing helter skelter.我们一阵炮火打得敌军狼狈逃窜。

6.heard woman pke clothes, brothers pke the hand and foot, recollected, i unexpectedly helter-skelter bare rushed for 19 years!听说女人如衣服,兄弟如手足,回想起来,我竟然七手八脚地裸奔了19年!!

7.Being scare of these measures is difficult to get helter operation effect.缺乏上述处理,难以获得良好的手术效果。

8.Walking off the helter- skelter streets of Seoul into this beautiful old building, you are immediately enveloped in Buddhist calm.从喧哗的首尔街道走入这座别致的房子,你将立即沉浸在佛的静谧之中。

9.Helter Skelter is really "close to the metal" , yet its power has stood the test of time.《慌慌张张》十分“接近金属”,但其实力经受了时间的考验。

10.They are arrangement method of urban forest, forest water deprivation planning and helter forest planning.他们分别是干旱区城市森林建设的布局模式、水网林网化规划布局、以及防沙林的规划布局。