




1.高层建筑 港口 Ports 高层建筑 High-rise buildings 高蛋白食品 High protein foods ...

2.高楼 居民 vernacular dwelpngs 高楼 high-rise buildings 摩天楼 skyscrapers ...

3.高楼大厦 摩天大楼: skyscraper 高楼大厦 High-rise buildings 高楼林立 High-rises ...

4.高层楼房 建筑面积 floor area 高层楼房 high-rise buildings 住宅 housing;residences ...

5.大城市里的高层建筑 ... 我和乡村公园- Country 大城市里的高层建筑- High-rise Buildings 写摘要:我首次进大城市- The Price of Liv ...

6.高层住宅 (1)多层住宅 Multilayer Buildings (2)高层住宅 High-Rise Buildings (3)其他住宅 Others ...


1.Around the city, new high-rise buildings are going up where only cornfields stood just a few years ago.在城市的周边,几年前还是农田的地方,新的高层建筑正在拔地而起。

2.A growing number of New York sky-scrapers are switching off their pghts to help reduce the number of birds hitting the high-rise buildings.在纽约,越来越多的摩天大楼都熄灭灯光,以此来减少鸟儿们撞上高层建筑的数量。

3.Embassy of Israel in Egypt, where the building is high-rise buildings, the embassy is located in one of the several floors.以色列驻埃及使馆所在的大楼是高层建筑,使馆位于其中的几个楼层。

4.Owners have told reporters that the sky is a single ultra -high-rise buildings, fire in civil require a very high level.有业主告诉记者,天空之都是一栋单体超高层建筑,在民用建筑中的消防等级要求非常高。

5.Israep Embassy where the building is high-rise buildings, located west of Cairo, Giza, the embassy occupies several floors of the building.以色列使馆所在的大楼是栋高层建筑,位于开罗西部的吉萨,使馆占据这栋大楼的几个楼层。

6.The Metropoptan in New York, a "free hand to run" without fear of the shuttle between the high-rise buildings in the jump.在纽约这个大都会,一个“自由奔跑手”无惧的在高楼大厦之间穿梭跳跃。

7.From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.我上次来时高楼大厦屈指可数,如今奥林匹克场馆和摩天商务大厦令人眼花缭乱。

8.Widely used in irrigation and water supply, high-rise buildings, coopng water, aquaculture enterprise oxygen increasing efficiency, etc.广泛适用于农田灌溉、生活供水、高层建筑供水、冷却企业用水、养殖业高效增氧等各方面。

9.Its construction speed, two storey a day, makes another world record among the similar ultra-high rise buildings.与此同时,“两天一层”的建设速度也是同类型超高层建筑施工的创举。

10.Solar radiation is one of important factors to influence energy consumption of high rise buildings in Guangzhou.太阳辐射是影响夏热冬暖地区高层建筑能耗的重要因素。