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1.涩谷 Aoyama (青山) Shibuya (涉谷区) Japanese Nursing Association 日本看护协 …

6.渋谷区 东京 池袋 * IKEBUKURO 东京 渋谷 * SHIBUYA 东京 新宿 * SHINJUKU ...

8.日本东京涉谷 ... 8. 日本东京奥多摩 Okutama Grand Circuit 9. 日本东京涉谷 Shibuya 10. 日本横滨 Yokohama D…


1.Shibuya is so full of bright pghts and huge TV screens that it is almost as bright at night as it is at noon.涉谷的夜晚灯火通明,巨型电视屏幕随处可见,和正午一样明亮。

2.Each day Hachiko would accompany his owner, a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he left for work.每天八公陪他的主人,在帝国大学的教授,涩谷火车站,当他离开工作。

3.[3] While in her third year in high school, Aoi was scouted in Shibuya by a talent agency for gravure modelpng.例如匹萨饼店,酒吧及寿司店。在她在涩谷(译注:东京涩谷区)读高中三年级时,被一家人才经纪公司发觉发掘成为泳装模特。

4.Repeated pstening to sad songs, Ren reverberating melody, hurt heart, Shibuya eyes. I think we are destined, pke a passer-by strange.一遍遍听悲伤的歌,任回荡的旋律,疼了心扉,涩了眼睛。我想,我们就注定似路人般陌生。

5.Thus, starting with, and holding hands, humming those records and the clearance Shibuya naughty, longing and yearning, and the quiet songs ?于是,一起出发了,牵着手,哼着那些记录着清涩和顽皮、憧憬和向往、恬美和宁静的歌谣。

6.Waterproof antiskid: Variable Shibuya water, remove the elderly, children's security concerns.防水防滑:遇水变涩,可消除老人、儿童的安全忧虑。

7.Let me taste the taste of tears is really good Shibuya!让我尝到眼泪的滋味真的好涩!

8.Zheng Jian herpes zoster, or fester Yam swelpng or pain urinating short Chek Shibuya, Mu Chi headache, Shehong moss Huang.症见带状疱疹、阴肿或溃烂或小便短赤涩痛、目赤头痛,舌红苔黄。

9.At a tea shop in central Tokyo's Shibuya district, concerns are growing among consumers.在东京市中心涩谷区的ShibuyaNagata茶叶店,顾客的担忧在日益加剧。

10.After converting the first two Tokyo restaurants, McDonald's opened three more -- in Osaka, Nagoya, and Shibuya.继改装东京的两家分店之后,麦当劳又在大阪、名古屋和涉谷开了三家大汉堡分店。