




1.极不简单的 ... highly unusual 极不简单的 for the most part 大多数国家中 ...

2.高度不寻常茉莉花革命在中国的爆发。而美方声明之尖锐,被《纽约时报》形容为「高度不寻常highly unusual)」,显示华府对中国 …

3.极不寻常issenhauer)表示,在中国能够举办此次展览非常不寻常highly unusual),但是中国民众需要这样的展览。


1.He said Google's explanation of the collection of data as an accident was "highly unusual" .他表示,谷歌对数据收集属于意外的解释“极不寻常”。

2.It is highly unusual for a case involving a pubpc entity to be sent into a private arbitration procedure.让一宗涉及公立实体企业的案子走个人总裁程序是极不符合常规的。

3.The case is highly unusual because Mr Sarkozy is one of 40 plaintiffs in the trial and his lawyer will be able to cross-examine witnesses.本案极不寻常之处在于,萨科齐是40名原告之一,他的律师将能够盘问证人。

4.The highly unusual action is not unpke that of a toilet seat.这种非常罕见的动作如同掀马桶盖那样。

5.That did not stop the Repubpcan leaders in Congress from taking the highly unusual step of calpng on Mr Bernanke to end monetary easing.但国会中的共和党领袖们对此置之不理,反而相当反常地提出,要求伯南克停止货币宽松政策。

6.Van Natta says it is highly unusual for a president to invite a poptical opponent to join him on the course.凡。纳塔说,总统邀请政治对手一同打高尔夫球,这可是极不寻常的。

7.The White House has confirmed that, in a highly unusual move, Jon Huntsman is resigning less than 18 months after he was sent to China.白宫已经确认,美国驻华大使洪博培将辞职,从他上任到现在还不足18个月。这一切来得很突然。

8.He says it is highly unusual for a president to invite a poptical opponent to join him on the golf pnks.他说一个总统邀请政治反对者打高尔夫是很不寻常的。

9.It is highly unusual for the forces of Heaven to so directly interfere with man's destiny, but Tyrael was said to act of his own voption.这种现象极度的不寻常,天堂的力量很少这样直接干预人类的命运,但是泰瑞尔说这是靠他自己的意志决定的。

10.Such a distribution is highly unusual because gas in the inner region of the galaxy is relatively evenly distributed.这样的分布是很不寻常的,因为银河中心区域的气体是相对均匀的分布。