



美式发音: [ˈwɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪnə(r)]



复数:winners  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clear winner,final winner,outright winner,overall winner,unexpected winner

v.+n.come winner





n.1.someone who wins a race, competition, or prize; the goal or shot that wins a game2.something that is very popular or successful

1.中奖者 reapzed 意识到 winners 成功者 more 更多的 ...

3.获奖者 THE JURY 评委团 WINNERS: 得奖者: Marcio Leite / Brazil 马尔西奥托莱特/巴西 ...

7.优胜者 whiners 发牢骚的人 winners 优胜者 wiener=frankfurter 法兰克福香肠 ...

8.获奖名单 图集 Picture 45获奖名单 Winners 提名名单 Nominations ...


1.If there was an informal European Union championship for street protest then Greece and France would be the two most regular winners.如果欧盟(EU)举办非正式的街头抗议锦标赛,最常胜出的想必是希腊和法国。

2.Winners announced at the beginning, the White House had described him as "the world's greatest celpst. "在当初公布获奖名单时,白宫曾将他形容为“世界上最伟大的大提琴家”。

3.On the contrary, tensions continued to rise, partly as the large conglomerates, or zaibatsu, were the biggest winners from stimulus.相反,紧张气氛持续升级,部分原因在于大型企业集团(即财阀(zaibatsu))是刺激方案的最大赢家。

4.President Obama said he was surprised and deeply humbled, saying he did not feel he deserved to be in the company of past winners.奥巴马总统表示感到非常吃惊,而且非常谦虚。他表示,他觉得与过去的和平奖获得者相比,自己不应该获奖。

5.O'REILLY: OK. But there's big money here, you know, for the winners of these programs.但是你知道,节目获胜者可以得到很大笔钱。

6.I probably don't have to tell you that the trades they originally planned, but didn't act on, were usually the big winners of the day.我可以说,他们原先计划的,但没有实行的交易通常是当天的大赢家。

7.Yet already this downturn seems to have created winners and losers, with balance-sheet strength the differentiating factor.但显然这次经济衰退似乎已随着资产负债表实力分化的因素决出了谁胜谁负。

8.The long-anticipated Oscars released the winners on Sunday. It was a night filled with firsts, and an especially good night for the French.期待已久的奥斯卡金像奖周日公布了赢家。对法国人而言,这是一个充满第一,特别美好的夜晚。

9.Rather, there were a bunch of crappy devices that sold well enough to prove there was a market, but no clear winners.在这个市场里仍然有一大堆蹩脚的设备也销售得很好,并没有明显的胜利者。

10.He was on a good contract compared to what he had with Porto in Portugal but money does not bring happiness to winners, and he is a winner.他有一份同他在葡萄牙波尔图时相比好的合同,但是金钱并没有给胜利者带来快乐,他是一个胜利者。